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Heelllpp! I Need Doler Snake Catcher


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Thank you, it will all be ok :heart: I have been very distracted.

Annie my Dad'd heartdog is now fighting for her life. I can not stand ticks or this.

I have spoken personally with the vet, she is doing everything in her power and Annie has the best care/treatment available. Annie is under 24 hour care.

Mum has just lost my Dad, to loose Annie would be terribly cruel. Annie was meant to be there for Dad tomorrow, I just hope she gets through this as she is 13 years old.

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  On 13/01/2013 at 6:00 AM, persephone said:

Ohhh.. Your dad might be calling her .. it happens .


Ohhh, the thought has crossed my mind more than once Pers Annie and Dad have always been soul mates. :cry:

It might be selfish though honestly I hope Annie fights and gets through this as she has such an enormous amount to give and Annie has the life of her dreams ahead of her with Mum.

My Mum and Dad's entire life revolves around Annie, she is cherished beyond words. Dad and Annie have always had a very intimate bond, esspecially since Dad's illness.

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I'm sorry that you're going through such an emotional time at the moment Nic.B. Life is such a roller-coaster. Look after yourself and try and see the light at the end of the tunnel. :flower: Keep strong and I'm sending best wishes for Annie. :heart:

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  On 12/01/2013 at 3:30 AM, jerojath said:
  On 12/01/2013 at 3:28 AM, Nariko said:

crap! If you cant get a snake catcher you may have to kill it although Id probably be too scared to do that, Im terrified of snakes.

Good luck getting a catcher :crossfingers:

:eek: Kill it????

Not only is this against the law, but puts the OP in a likely position of getting bitten.

Most snake bites occur when inexperienced people try to catch or kill a snake.

It is not illegal to kill a snake, if it is threatening you or your animals. I will dig up the legislation if necessary but this is a very common and very false piece of "common knowledge"

ETA: Here you go, let that be the end of the ill informed "it is illegal to kill a snake" rubbish


Edited by BlackJaq
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A person shall not be convicted of an offence against this Act in respect of the harming of a snake unless it is proved that there were no grounds on which the person could reasonably have believed at any relevant time that the snake was endangering, or was likely to endanger, any person or property.

The huge and handy grey area..The definition of being endangered by the snake..A snake in your yard, and no child is present, is not an immediate danger therefore it is illegal to kill.

All Australian wildlife is protected unless you have a licence to kill it.

Kill a snake in your yard that is not between you and your child, you are breaking the law, simple.

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The link seems to prove that you may kill it if it threatens you or your property...

I also have never heard of anybody being convicted of "killing a snake" in their backyard...

ETA: ... unless it is proved...

How is anybody going to prove that "there were no grounds on which the person could reasonably have believed at any relevant time that the snake was endangering, or was likely to endanger, any person or property"? As soon as there is a snake near my dog pens, house or poultry yards I begin to believe that it may threaten/kill my animals (read: property) or me

Edited by BlackJaq
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  On 13/01/2013 at 9:12 AM, BlackJaq said:
  On 12/01/2013 at 3:30 AM, jerojath said:
  On 12/01/2013 at 3:28 AM, Nariko said:

crap! If you cant get a snake catcher you may have to kill it although Id probably be too scared to do that, Im terrified of snakes.

Good luck getting a catcher :crossfingers:

:eek: Kill it????

Not only is this against the law, but puts the OP in a likely position of getting bitten.

Most snake bites occur when inexperienced people try to catch or kill a snake.

It is not illegal to kill a snake, if it is threatening you or your animals. I will dig up the legislation if necessary but this is a very common and very false piece of "common knowledge"

ETA: Here you go, let that be the end of the ill informed "it is illegal to kill a snake" rubbish


I am not sure where you are BJ though in NSW and in my local area it is illegal to kill a snake.

Around here snakes are killed every single day during spring/summer, dogs are also shot if they roam.

I HATE snakes though seriously I have to wonder, SC's advice is always great and killing snakes in the past has not stopped them coming here. In fact I think I have had far more and I have been here 14 years.

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  On 13/01/2013 at 9:32 AM, BlackJaq said:

Property would include dogs. You can not seriously be suggesting that you have to keep your dogs inside the house at all times let they go near the snake in the yard?

Yep! Absolutely! Just as you'd be expected to keep your dogs in to prevent IT interfering with ANY protected native animal.

If a dog doesn't interfere with a snake, it is not going to be bitten.

As stated already, it IS illegal to kill a snake unless it is posing an immediate danger to you.

In the case in question, a beautiful Red-Bellied Black Snake was "hanging around" and had out-stayed it's welcome.

Certainly no cause to kill it.

I don't like being accused of being ill-informed, when snakes are my life.

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I picked up a RBB once and relocated it to some local bushland..... Certainly not something I would like to do often. It was a bit over a metre long. They are actually quite amazing if you take the time to watch them. This one was trying to get in our shed so I had to block it. I tried to call our neighbour that does snake stuff but he was at work of course.... This snake was in the garden and even as you watched it, the bloody thing disappeared before your eyes. It was like it was shimmying itself to make the leave mulch come over it. So in effect it hadn't moved along, but one minute you are watching it, the next it had buried itself.......

I couldn't kill it though...... Its only a living animal trying to survive and go about its snake business. I mean a snake has to eat too....

RBB I have been told are generally timid and if there is noise and activity, will hide. They are generally only aggressive if they are threatened or interfered with ie stepped on, cornered, dogs trying to catch them etc.

The Browns are the worst... I think....

I wonder if there is a course or something people can do to be able to get experience handling them.

It would be better than people trying to randomly pick one up.... Like me.laugh.gif But I got it in a feed bag and put it in the car and took it away....... It prob came back but I have't seen it so.............

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