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The Instigator! Do You Have One?


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I have a little dog here that starts all the barking, every time. Baxter is jerk, I swear. He also abuses his power. He'll walk out into the middle of the yard and bark at nothing then watch all the other dogs run off in a million directions all barking at nothing. He'll then walk back to his bed and sit on it surveying his handiwork. Maybe 1% of the time he is actually barking at something that warrants barking at, the rest of the time he just does it for his own amusement. I'll then come out at tell them all to be quiet and he'll be sitting their wagging his tail looking innocent. He's a bastard! :laugh:

Do you have an instigator?

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Yes - it's the dog I rehomed next door - stupidly!! He races up to the fence on the other side as soon as they let him out and stands there barking, hoping to entice mine to come out and join him which they do. As soon as I go out and walk towards the fence he takes off. Some of them have become very good at ignoring him these days. :laugh:

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Yes I do too. :) One of my bitches is our guard dog and rushes off to investigate and or bark at whatever moves outside the fenceline. And yes, most of the others rush about wondering what's going on. :laugh:

If it's something she shouldn't bark at like people walking, horseriders etc she gets told off and stops immediately. But I kind of like having a dog about who is a little switched on and interested in guarding. The others would sleep through anything without her! And the one dodgy (human) visitor I can remember having at our front gate spotted her quicksmart - just standing and watching. And then later said, looking increasingly uncomfortable - "I don't like that white one". They never returned. Good girl! :D

Edited by Alyosha
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I have one, but her motivation is different. Rosie will rush at a window barking like a zombie has just popped up & then calmly take over the warm spot on the couch that everyone has evacuated to check on whats going on outside. She knows this works also for stealing bones momentarily left behind by those checking out where the zombie went. :laugh:

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The dogs next door bark all the time here - Zig has tried to join in a couple of times but I tell him no barking and he stops..

I have lived next door to barking dogs for so many years - it is my pet peeve, I absolutely hate it and would never tolerate it from my own dogs...

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I have one, but her motivation is different. Rosie will rush at a window barking like a zombie has just popped up & then calmly take over the warm spot on the couch that everyone has evacuated to check on whats going on outside. She knows this works also for stealing bones momentarily left behind by those checking out where the zombie went. :laugh:

Haha Telly sometimes does tht but they're onto her now lol

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Dogs bark though. I understand nuisance barking, lke barking all the time or for prolonged periods, but normal barking is to be expected.

They do and I am not opposed to a bark while playing, or a warning bark or a I wanna go out bark is fine. But I don't tolerate barking for the sake of it..

The dogs next door will bark at leaves moving, birds flying over, cars going past. They start any time from 5 am onwards and continue on and off most of the day.. He is never home, they are never walked or played with.

I realise it isn't the dogs fault but for 10 years it has been going on. Our rangers have a chat every now and then but he knows them all and nothing is ever followed up.

ETA, I have a talker. Zig follows you around woo wooing and huffing and growly noises while we are getting ready to go for a walk, or while I am cooking or even when I am in the shower.. I think his chit chat is really cute but it doesn't bother anyone and it isn't annoying to me and he will stop if I tell him to..

Edited by Staffyluv
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Dogs bark though. I understand nuisance barking, lke barking all the time or for prolonged periods, but normal barking is to be expected.

They do and I am not opposed to a bark while playing, or a warning bark or a I wanna go out bark is fine. But I don't tolerate barking for the sake of it..

The dogs next door will bark at leaves moving, birds flying over, cars going past. They start any time from 5 am onwards and continue on and off most of the day.. He is never home, they are never walked or played with.

I realise it isn't the dogs fault but for 10 years it has been going on. Our rangers have a chat every now and then but he knows them all and nothing is ever followed up.

ETA, I have a talker. Zig follows you around woo wooing and huffing and growly noises while we are getting ready to go for a walk, or while I am cooking or even when I am in the shower.. I think his chit chat is really cute but it doesn't bother anyone and it isn't annoying to me and he will stop if I tell him to..

That sucks for you, so sorry you have to put up with that. My dogs don't bark a lot and they're always told to shut up when Baxter starts them. I couldn't imagine living next to that.

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I have an instigator here too but not in regards to barking.

Kirah is a turd -- she answers to this too -- and when she wants to play but poor Zeus doesn't she starts on him. Usually Zeus will be chilling out in his bed and Kirah the Turd will trot up, jump all over him and start biting his ankles. She knows this gets a reaction and Zeus reciprocates in kind by rolling onto his back and play bitey face with her.

This game turns into pushing and kicking in what I call "The Battle of the Bed" with Zeus trying to beat Kirah up. He always lets her win because he's sweet like that but sometimes I've seen him pull the blanket out from under her and lie on it with a huge "ner ner ni ner ner" grin.

They're both boofheads in this regard!

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Yep - Pickles is a great one for tearing out the back door making a crazy screaming bark like she's being throttled, and the others tear out after her wondering what the hell is going on... which is usually absolutely nothing...

She's a bitch with stealing everyone else's toys too...


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Nope, as I don't tolerate that sort of crap

:laugh: oh dear you're a joy.

My dogs don't bark so no problem there BUT they are definately partners in crime and Stan is always the instigator. Stan reminds me of Foghorn Leghorn with Maddie following him around looking for a real chicken hawk :laugh:

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