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Bin Raider - Very Unusual!


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Our little kitchen bin lives up high .... we have no other bins inside , and only wheelie bins outside.

Defrosting in fridge or microwave ..any biscuits cake etc live in containers in cupboards.

Any biscuits or open packets of anything really live in the fridge here because Stan can open anything. I found my toaster (which Stan had pulled out of the saucepan cupboard) in his bed. He must have licked the slots for ages as it didn't work after that *sigh*

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Yep, in our house all bins are behind closed doors, I've had to start locking the garage because the dogs figured out how to open the roller door. I didn't have a problem with this until I was cleaning up poops and found one with a ziplock baggie wound through it (the kind I use for the ferret's meat and then throw in the rubbish bin in the garage) :eek: I counted myself extremely lucky that didn't end up with a very expensive vet visit, and lock the garage door religiously since then.

I haven't found a solution apart from removing their ability to eat stuff by not leaving it out/not allowing access to bins etc.

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I agree with others, nothing unusual about bin raiding, once a dog finds something like that rewarding they will keep doing it. Management is the quickest way to fix it, if he only does it when you aren't there just don't give him access to the bin.

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As you and I know GSD's are very Intelligent, so if you don't want them to get something you keep it out of reach especially Rat poison. :eek: What your boy is doing is normal and don't forget they are all different and some are much worse, my boy Rex didn't play bite never chased balls or play tug o war and always came when called. But at about 14 mths he started pulling clothes off the line, ripping mats and plastic buckets up, digging holes every where and would not come when called, he became very stubborn too.

When I called him to come inside, he would just stand there and I'd walk over to him he'd just fall over and wouldn't get up so I went and got his lead and lifted his head to put the lead on so I could get him inside. He is now 10 yrs old and much better, but still digs holes every now and then and can be stubborn at times.

Your boys weight is fine, my Boy is 37 kgs and I try to keep him between 36-37 kgs. He is fed 2.8 cups of kibble per day which is divided into 3 small meals as GSD's are at risk of bloat they are not allowed out a half hour before and after meals. Mine are also given a tin of sardines twice a week and every second day get a desert spoon of natural yoghurt and two desert spoons of canola oil for their coats.

Why don't you allow your dogs upstairs, GSD's are family dogs and love to be with you but supervised of cause.

Edited by tarope
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