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Raw Diet Help!


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Hi everyone!

My beautiful German Shepard Adra has been on a raw food only diet since she was 5 months old. ( i think, losing track of time! )

When she was a puppy, i wrote posts on this forum as I couldn't get her to stop itching or scratching no matter hat we did.

After we changed her diet, wow, what a difference!

No itching, beautiful teeth, gorgeous coat, no smell ( from anywhere! ) and boundless amounts of energy!

My only concern is that she is a little on the lean side. Should I be concerned as she is so healthy? She is about 25-28 kilos. Vaccinated, always wormed and heart wormed.

She eats 1 kilo of raw food at night ( either, chicken mince, chicken necks, brisket bones ect ) 3 times a week she has about 500g sardines and an egg once a week. She also has some of those rawhide bones once or twice a week.

You see, to me, it doesn't seem like enough food, but Ive tried increasing it 1.5 k but she wont eat it! She is like a scale, she will eat aprox a kilo and leave the rest! She amazes me!

Then I thought that Id give her the other amount in the morning, but she wont eat it either! Ive also tried giving her a carcass and things like offal but she wont have a bar of it.

Does it seem okay or am I just worrying?

Thanks in advance. :)

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Yep, I have had dogs that eat like that. It is like they have an alarm system in their stomach that stops them eating when they get to a certain level!!! :laugh:

How old is she? I have found it can sometimes be an age related thing and as the dog gets older it resolves itself.

Sometimes it can just be that what you are feeding isn't appealing enough to want her to eat more of it. You could try feeding her a prepared BARF mix like Big Dog brand. Most dogs absolutely gobble that down. You don't mention any raw veges in your mix????

Another alternative is to add Vets All Natural to your minced meat/bone. That makes it a complete diet by doing that.

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You don't say what she actually looks like though?

Can you feel but not see her ribs/hips (yes I know it's hard to see on a GSD :laugh: ) If she's in good body condition to me it's irrelevant what she weighs.

Instead of a rawhide bone which has nothing in it, can you get her something to chew on that will add a bit more actual food to her diet? - thinking of a meaty beef rib or something like that.

Edited by Sandra777
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Yep, I have had dogs that eat like that. It is like they have an alarm system in their stomach that stops them eating when they get to a certain level!!! :laugh:

How old is she? I have found it can sometimes be an age related thing and as the dog gets older it resolves itself.

Sometimes it can just be that what you are feeding isn't appealing enough to want her to eat more of it. You could try feeding her a prepared BARF mix like Big Dog brand. Most dogs absolutely gobble that down. You don't mention any raw veges in your mix????

Another alternative is to add Vets All Natural to your minced meat/bone. That makes it a complete diet by doing that.

You don't need raw veggies, if the only issue is the dog is a little lean, sounds like it needs more fat, not veggies (which is bulk).

If she doesn't eat whole carcasses, have you got a chicken shop that sells minced carcasses, or will mince the carcasses? I know my local one doesn't, but some do. Or add some chicken wings to her diet, they have a bit of fat on them?

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Hi Stitch,

She is almost 13 months old.

Ive tried feeding her a lot of different things, shes just very fussy!

As with BARF its very expensive and contains things such as vegetables which I don't see that they need as a dog in the wild doesn't eat vegetables! Mainly used as a filler in dog foods.

I try mostly to go along the lines of a women I came across about 7 months ago called Jane Anderson. She has a website that helps so much with raw food dieting. So I basically try to stick to her guide lines all except the rawhide bones! They are mainly used as something my kids give to her as they miss feeding her treats and they wont touch a raw bone! :laugh:

Hi Sandra777,

She looks great! I'm also glad that someone understands that its hard to tell on a GSD, Big n fluffy dry, drowned rat when wet! :laugh:

She's got great definition and shes very toned and has a beautiful coat. You cant feel protruding ribs when you pat her.

As with the raw hide, as I was saying to Stitch, its just for my kids to give her something every now and then!

Hi Minimax,

Im pretty sure that your on the right track, she needs more fat. ( I wish I had that problem! :rofl: )

Ive tried giving her a carcass, but she keeps turning her nose up at it. Ive never tried mincing it though, i'll have to see who can do that for me.

Do you know what would be a very fatty meat or bone?

Thanks everyone for your help and feedback. If anyone would know of a good fatty meat or bone, I'd love to know.

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No dog should eat mince, the whole purpose of a raw diet is to crunch through raw meaty bones. Also chicken wings are too small for a GSD. Buy a whole chicken & give it to her. If she won't touch it score the breasts to get her going or 1/2 the chicken. What she doesn't eat in one sitting can be cleaned & put in the fridge for the next meal. I've 1/4 a chicken for my 5kg Japanese Spitz.

There's also lamb necks left whole for a dog the size of a GSD. With the offal try giving it to her frozen or you can freeze dry or dry in the oven over slow heat for an hour (so I've heard). My dogs didn't like chicken heart but liked lamb kidney. The more variety of meats you can give the better but start slowly, introducing each one a week or 2 apart.

If she won't eat any of this a little tough love is needed. After 10-20 mins put back in fridge for the next meal. She should get hungry & eat what she's given.

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Ask the vet about her weight.

From what I can tell, your dog is getting more than enough food. People are so used to "fat" dogs, they don't know what a fit one looks/feels like! You should be able to feel her ribs. They should not be protruding, and should have some cover, but you most definitely need to be able to feel them.

Three percent IDEAL body weight (if 28kgs is ideal for her) comes to only 840g per day. So, no, she won't eat 1.5kg. You would end up with a very fat and unhealthy dog if she did.

My Dobe had built in weight control too. When she started burying her bones, I knew she had enough - for every time that happened (at first) I took her down to the vets and weighed her, and yep, she had put on a bit more than she really needed.

You might like to do some weigh ins and just observe what happens while you "listen" to what she is telling you. I bet you will find that is all you need to do - and then stop worrying! :thumbsup:

After all, what is a "natural diet" for? :D

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With a raw diet, the quantity certainly doesn't seem enough but the difference with the raw fed dogs is that their body absorbs all the nutrition, therefore you would have noticed that the poos are much smaller than with commercial pet food. The raw diet also allows for slower growth and if she doesn't look skinny and you can just feel ribs when you touch her lightly, then I wouldn't be concerned.

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Hi Rebanne,

I'll try that, I'll get one next time I go and get her food. Thanks.

Hi Becks,

Thanks for the advice! Ive tried that already but she some how was aware of what I was doing! But that was awhile ago so Ill give it another try!

Hi Andisa,

I did try to get in contact with her by email and I know shes a very busy woman, but she didnt get back to me, that was probally 4 and a half months ago, but thanks, I will try again.

Hi Luvsdogs,

I know that they shouldn't be eating mince as the purpose of the diet is to chew through the bones, but when it comes down to whether or not shes going to eat, Id rather her eat. She only has mince about once a week otherwise its bones. Ive tried with the whole chicken, and cutting it up ect, but she wont have it and she wont have offal. And last time I tried the tough love approach she didn't eat for 3 days, I couldn't do that again, It broke my heart, She is a very determined girl! But Thank you so much for your advice, I will try incorporating it again slowly, (this time! ) and trying the frozen way.

Hi Noisymina,

My vet is not raw food diet friendly. I'm already gearing up for the earful I'm going to get in May for her booster vac! Last time, I was told how she wasn't going to do well and have arthritis and all these other things because of the raw food diet, of course then he tried to get me to buy a $90.00 bag of his stuff! Your response helped me a lot though, I was using the 3% ratio and I knew she was eating enough, so I gave extra due to all her movement. But she is healthy and happy so I should stop worrying!

Hi Twodoggies2001,

I know, the poo thing is great! With our other beautiful girl we had before she died, In the summer it was horrible, there were flies everywhere and all over our screens ect, with Adra, hardly none. Its amazing! She looks a little skinny but nothing is protruding and shes very built at the front, so I'm not sure. Ive only ever been used to dogs on commercial food and they have always been very big but not that healthy. Thanks for the advice.

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Just thought I'd put this here:

Jane Anderson breeds Portugese Water Dogs and runs a rawfed kennel in Oz. She owns the Rawfeeding list (prey model raw) on Yahoo and now Facebook.





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When I first started going to our current vet, she asked me what I fed and I said BARF. She looked at me funny but did not comment. There is now a freezer chest in her waiting area stocked with .....you guessed it ....barf patties and raw bones form the local BARF supply company!

Even tho my dog was always on the "light" side, I thought, she used to say she could do with a bit less weight and it was true. I could tell by watching her run whether or not she had a bit too much weight to carry. Dogs are beautiful creatures in motion when fit and not too heavy. :)

Healthy with good coat etc is all we need on top of that.

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Thanks for the group information, Minyvlz!

Hey Noisymina,

That's so funny! My vet will not have a bar of it!

Adra is extremely light on her feet and maybe that's because she just maybe the right weight! Shes very energetic and can give David Beckham a run for his money how amazing she is with a soccer ball! She dribbles it up and the yard like its attached to her feet! Its hilarious to watch!

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Thanks for the group information, Minyvlz!

Hey Noisymina,

That's so funny! My vet will not have a bar of it!

Adra is extremely light on her feet and maybe that's because she just maybe the right weight! Shes very energetic and can give David Beckham a run for his money how amazing she is with a soccer ball! She dribbles it up and the yard like its attached to her feet! Its hilarious to watch!

Spot on! Enjoy your girl! :thumbsup:

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Oh - and you should tell your vet that my Dobe lived to 12 - very good for a Dobe. No arthritis except in one foot - which we think was from a previous injury. I got her at 4 and she was on raw (mostly) for the best part of 8 years. Died with every tooth still in her mouth and in perfect condition!

He/she can chew that one over. :) :)

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