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Help - Vet? Cut Gum


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I'm dog sitting at the moment and the almost blind mini schnauzer got stuck in my garden dividing rusty metal fence. After much screaming and help from the neighbours he got himself out. Jaw and legs were stuck. He's walking fine but has a slight nicknon the gum above the tooth. Eating fine. Owners not contactable.

Only option is emergency vets. If it was my dog I'd take them just in case, but I take them for bee stings.

What would you do? He is with me to tomorrow am then he is back home with neighbours walking and feeding for 4 days until owners are home. I will let the neighbours know so they check he is esting ( in case of abscess)

Sorry about tipped - on iPhone and shaken all at once - will never frget those screams :(

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hard to decide ..if he was bleeding a lot ..def. vet .

re: tetanus ...

Our dogs work in & around sheep yards with rusty tin/wire/nails/dirt /manure .. they are forever getting stuck/stabbed/cut/scratched ..and have never had tetanus

it is usually deep punctures which aid the clostridium bug..as it is an anaerobic one ..and likes dark airless places .. if this is, as you say, a 'nick' which has bled a little , and been cleaned , I think the risk would be minimal

(disclaimer..I am not a vet )

I suppose if you can afford it , and are very worried .. take him to the vet .. (and maybe get him a sedative for tonight as well ?) :) just NOT 'A C E' / A C P

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Thanks. The nick ( size of a pin hole or slightly bigger) has stopped bleakly. I took him for s little walk to see if his leg was injured but it appears fine. He is toddling about.

I know it is going to sound bad, but I really can't afford to spend $400+ on a dog that isn't mine unless it is needed. An emergency consult here is $150 before anything is actually done to help the dog. I've had a number of emergencies|unexpected costs crop up lately. I know his owners definitely wouldnt tske him to the vet for this. I've left messages and sms'd. He had a flea allergy 6 months ago and had open sores. They only took hi

To the vet after I said something.

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Thanks - yes dogmad I'm sure he was terrified because he couldn't see what was happening. Didn't help that their 2 year old STD schnauzer jumped on him too. I'll visit him before his owners are home too just in case. It has been remarkable how he's managed to figure out the layout of my house and garden over 4 days. His legs give way sometimes too but HR just gets up and gets on with it. Poor thing . He is 15 years old and still has spring in his step in the morning.

Edited by megan_
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I'd probably do the same in that situation, keeping an eye on him tonight. These things always happen out of hours!

Agree re getting a fright. Annie got her paw stuck in the fence once and boy did she scream - no harm done, she just got a fright (well actually I think I got a bigger fright than she did).

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I'd only really be worried about tetanus if he's been near anything "horsey"... ie. horses or horse poop.

I'd keep an eye on the wound for the next 24 hours, and if it starts looking at doing anything but healing, then off to the vet for a prophylactic course of antibiotics.


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