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Lens Filters! What Do You Use?

Juddabug Whippets

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With getting a new piece of expensive glass, one wants a good filter to protect the lens from scratches, smudges, dirt etc.

What do you prefer? There are so many choices and twice as many brands!

Do you just use a lens protector? UV filter? CPL? DHG?

What are good brands and which ones should be avoided? Marumi, Kenko, Hoya etc?

Anyone got a preference? Do you prefer to use nothing on your lens?

Happy to hear all thoughts and opinions!


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Ahhh the burning question, I use uv filters on all my lenses but not expensive ones. I've been told a few times no point putting cheap filters on as it won't do your photos any justice. I really need to fork out for some more expensive ones. I like the UV ones as it can just stay on in any condition. I don't use a lens hood so the filters for me are a way of also protection the lens from jumping licking dogs, (not always my own :laugh:)

Another good question is about lens hood, do you use them or not? I don't but again been told I should??

Brands of filters, I think hoya are up there, I've look at some really pricey ones. Someone said to me the other day, why have a filter on your lens to keep it nice to sell it on to someone else, you have insurance if your lens gets scratched claim it on your insurance!

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Very true! Yes I use lens hoods! Always.... Doesn't stop long noses licking the lenses though!

As for filters... I have a Marumi UV filter on my 70-200mm f4... But have heard about if you use cheap filters it lessens your photo quality! I guess I need to take two identical pictures with and without filters to see the difference!

It's that age old question I guess!

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