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Dogs Scared Of Fireworks & Nye


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We've heard them on and off all night and Gus has actually been pretty good. When they started you could tell he was anxious- panting and pacing but for the last hour he has been snoozing and when they go off he looks up and has a sniff and grumbles back to sleep.

It occurred to me before that we're fairly certain he was a farm dog before he came to us so maybe he hasn't heard fireworks before or has a problem with guns and the sound reminds him of them. Not sure but he seems ok now.. See how we go at midnight.

Edited by BlueyLove
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One of my Kelpies is PETRIFIED during fireworks and storms.

SHe was fine as a young dog but ever since she got shot a few years back, the loud cracks make her pupils dilate and she trembles and shakes.

She is a 100% outside dog. If I am not home and a storm or fireworks happen, she will be pressed up against the front door hoping it will cave in and she could fall inside.

If I am home, if the door is opened slightly, she will get in come hell or highwater, there is no way you can keep her outside. She will be trembling and all but just wants to sit with me touching me.

If its a storm, we watch TV and I put a light blanket over her as she sees the lightening and tenses up ready for the thunder so I have tried the blanket over her head and she seems to relax as long as she is resting on my foot or against me.

The fireworks tonight were somewhat traumatic for her as some people about 800m away had fireworks. The first one was a massive one that shook the house. The horse took off, the Kelpie took off upstairs and the other one ran around outside barking at them. The border collies didn't care at all and they were outside in it.

So Petrified Kelpie then jumped on lounge with me on a blanket and watched the fireworks on TV. She wasn't too keen on it but she didn't want to leave me.

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Glad I stayed home. Didn't know what the fireworks would be like here as I wasn't here last year. Totally out of control! Not helped by the fact that my place is a little bit higher up. Amber isn't fussed but Poppy is a bit anxious. Glad they were safely locked up though.

Edited by JulesP
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All survived nicely here - I was only across the street, and apart from Harper voicing her opinion that she wasn't partying with Mummy, and Trouble peering through the bedroom window with her best "can I come party too Mum" look - all went well... *grin*


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We were surrounded by fireworks last night :( People started letting them off before it even got dark :mad Stan had his thundershirt on (best investment ever) and was quite calm. Maddie who is not scared of thunder and is fairly bomb proof was petrified. I took them both to bed, Maddie curled up next to me in a little trembling ball and I just put my arms around her and we eventually fell asleep.

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Thank goodness for crate training - I put my 2 in their crates at about 10.30 (usual bed tine is about 10 so they were keen to go) and apart from the kelpie barking a few times at midnight they were fine :thumbsup: - her crate is in the walk in robe in our room so quite dark and secure. We had a few illegal ones going off but luckily none landed in our yard as one did last year :eek:

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My girls dont get out of bed for fireworks or thunderstorms, but Hot Air Balloons are a nightmare!

Still, I have had my dogs 5 years and havent been out NYE since.......just in case. I figure tomorrow night, I will go out the front, watch the fireworks and catch any neighbours dogs running past!

this is mine as well, they go crazy when the hot air balloons go over, they go on a kill and destroy mission.

We had someone set off fireworks in the park behind my house last night and all 3 dogs just sat there watching it all, one even turned her back and went back to sleep. I'm so glad they are fine with them but feel for everyone that has dogs afraid of them, been there, it's not much fun. my girl used to like to curl up in the shower for some reason she must have felt safe there.

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Yeah I don't blame you aussie3 my last girl was so petrified of fireworks and storms it was so sad she had to be medicated every time but if you didn't medicate before she got worked up you couldn't get her to take them. I wish the thunder shirt was available then to see if it worked on her.

My new pup just slept last night she was curious what was going on but ended up just going to sleep, it's really hard for me to still not get worked up, as soon as I hear the fireworks I instantly feel as bad as I used to feel seeing Sheba getting worked up. I hate new years for this reason.

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We run into 3 dogs this morning on the loose - possibly a result of escaping the yard due to the bloody fireworks last night...

Zig was fine, he popped his head up when they started going off but then just went back to sleep.

I really feel for the dogs that are afraid of them.. It is lucky that so many people stay home with their dogs.

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Seeing as we were sitting in a front yard surrounded by Christmas lights, and calling out "Happy New Year" to every car driving by - we had a lovely policewoman stop and have a nice neighbourly chat with us. She said that they really couldn't do much about all the illegal fireworks going off, as they were usually all finished and over by the time they could respond to any complaints made. Must be frustrating being a police officer on New Year's Eve...


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Well we had 2 lots of fireworks last night. One at around 9 & the other at mid night. Sonny sailed through as expected, my bomb proof boy. Stella was so frightened, poor girl. She had her meds early & OH sat by her & gave her a cuddle. Be it wrong or right. She had shut down immediately emotionally. I made sure she had her sucky toy, "Pete" which always seems to help her & was in her crate in our bedroom with the door open. She did settle alot quicker than last year when they finished which I was really happy about. Last year she was still a drooling mess an hour later :( Sonny was terrific, he went & laid by her crate occassionally touching her nose to nose, sweet boy :)

Anyway, I wish everyone a happy & healthy new year. Hope it brings us all more memorable moments with our precious pooches....

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I was very surprised at the reaction from Tonka last night when the neighbours were letting thier fireworks off, illegally of course. I had thought that as nothing has really fazed him so far he would take it in his stride like everything else. Nope, he became a blithering mess!!!! Poor baby. I ended up taking all the dogs into the enclosed back verandah and giving them a bone, but he wouldnt eat. I had to put him on the lead to stop him running around and once I did that he settled and went to sleep no worries. Milo took himself to the shoe cupboard and hid in there as I wouldnt tolerate him trying to climb up and sit on top of my head. The other 3 couldnt give a rats about it, hopefully Tonka will settle and realise its nothing bad, although some of the bangs were huge. I feel like going over and waking them up this morning, idiots letting off fireworks when there is a complete fire ban. WE are in a rural area as well, lots of fuel for a fire out here. The ban is so serious there were no official fireworks in town last night.

Edited by piperspal
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It is lucky that so many people stay home with their dogs.

All the fireworks around here were illegal ones, so it totally shits me that I have to stay home.

I think it is the same most places Jules..

I guess it would be different if they had dogs of their own who were afraid of crackers - then they might not be so quick to let them off.

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