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Moved To A New House With No Grass...


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I'd go with fake grass & maybe sprinkle some nice "earthy" soil on it to give it a more realistic smell. If you put a small patch of real grass in, you are going to forever have to water it & cut it. I would also be getting some "cat grass" & plant it in a pot somewhere so she has some long grass to nibble at.

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Another recommendation for fake grass, as said above Bunnings has different styles or qualities, some are more realistic than others. While she will probably be able to tell the difference, it should help encourage her to know that is where she needs to go. Ours gets hosed several times a week, splash some white vinegar on it 5 or 10 minutes before hosing, helps with the smell.

I was wondering about the smell too, DD - has anyone got any insight into this? How easy is it to get rid of wee smell on fake grass?

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Try bringing in opposite sex entire dog and it will mark around yard and hey presto instant attraction worked veyr well with my 2.

Next I use a large blue cheap tarp covered in newspaper over top of some inexpensive puppy pee pads which I managed to source from a bulk discount place. As my dogs are locked in for several hours while I am at work they go to this place for toileting. when I visit non dog households I take along another tarp and usually one sheet of dried out but previously used newspaper and hey presto never any drama and no accidents.

Cheapest option for creating outdoor toilet area would be get the black garden weed matting lay an area in spot in yard, then on top lay bedding hay, obtain one bale from produce store (it will go a long way ), then get some soil and spread over this, the smell of the musty hay and dirt will attack big time, If you don't want dirty paws then go the extra expense and lay either fake grass or a couple long sods of real grass which will definately root into the hay mix but you will need to water and maintain etc and if used frequently won't survive, but if area is only a tempory place for toilet and you still take out etc then this will work. I even put some rocks and potted plants in middle to act as an enticement for male dog.

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Double post for some reason

also you could try getting lengths of wood, maybe 6 inches high and make a big box on top of the gravel, add soil and seeds and water, then you have a area of grass for your girl.

Edited by mumof4girls
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We did this when rogue was a pup mainly so he would go in that spot , we used sand though we bought from bunnings ,we put a roof on it for rain lol used garden stakes for the top to sit on.. We used fake grass but it does get very hot..

Good luck .. :-)

also you could try getting lengths of wood, maybe 6 inches high and make a big box on top of the gravel, add soil and seeds and water, then you have a area of grass for your girl.

Edited by mumof4girls
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Next I use a large blue cheap tarp covered in newspaper over top of some inexpensive puppy pee pads which I managed to source from a bulk discount place. As my dogs are locked in for several hours while I am at work they go to this place for toileting. when I visit non dog households I take along another tarp and usually one sheet of dried out but previously used newspaper and hey presto never any drama and no accidents.

That's a great idea. :thumbsup: Thanks.

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Another recommendation for fake grass, as said above Bunnings has different styles or qualities, some are more realistic than others. While she will probably be able to tell the difference, it should help encourage her to know that is where she needs to go. Ours gets hosed several times a week, splash some white vinegar on it 5 or 10 minutes before hosing, helps with the smell.

I was wondering about the smell too, DD - has anyone got any insight into this? How easy is it to get rid of wee smell on fake grass?

Oops, missed that. Thanks! Vinegar, hadn't thought of that one.

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Another recommendation for fake grass, as said above Bunnings has different styles or qualities, some are more realistic than others. While she will probably be able to tell the difference, it should help encourage her to know that is where she needs to go. Ours gets hosed several times a week, splash some white vinegar on it 5 or 10 minutes before hosing, helps with the smell.

I was wondering about the smell too, DD - has anyone got any insight into this? How easy is it to get rid of wee smell on fake grass?

Oops, missed that. Thanks! Vinegar, hadn't thought of that one.

To elaborate, we have just replaced our fake turf after 18 months of use. The first lot of synthetic grass we bought was the cheapest stuff available, so I think 18 months was a good result. We have upgraded to a more expensive and hopefully "better" synthetic grass. Also, we just hose it and let it dry off on the ground, I know some people pick it up and hang it on the clothesline etc, but we were a bit lazy, and didn't feel that it needed that.

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Wow, 18 months seems like a good run regardless - I wouldn't have expected it to last that long, tbh.

I think we're going to have to invest in some, we only have a courtyard with a raised flower bed partly around it, and the courtyard's getting a bit yucky. Hmm.

Thanks rebelsquest :)

(also, anything that requires a trip to bunnings is something I'm down for :laugh: )

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Contact an astroturf company and ask if they have any cut-offs" they could sell you. It's a far better more realistic quality than you will find at Bunnings/Clark Rubber etc. and your dog is more likely to use it if she usaully uses grass.

I used the cheaper stuff at first on my indoor puppy toilets and then one day my husband brought home a huge off cut he found with some rubble at the site of a new home being built. It is so realistic the dogs love using it. Funniest thing was I washed it as it was covered in sand and left it on the front decking to dry, the dogs went outside to toilet and they went straight to it instead of onto the lawn as usual. :laugh:

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I would LOVE to get rid of my grass (which is actually mostly weeds and lumpy dirt which is hard to mow :( )

Nooooooo !!! Ya can't beat nature - weeds or not. Hhhhhmmm, the smell of the earth when the first rain comes after a spell of dry. Yumm. And the feel of the grass (weeds or not - although bindii's excepted, lol) between your toes. And for that matter, between your dog's toes. And the fake grass tends to smell, whereas nature's wonder that is called "soil" filters things such as dog pee better than when it is covered with plastic. And we need grass and trees and such ..... it encourages the rain :D.

Just my opinion.


PS - collect pieces of kykuya (sp?) grass and plant it in patches to your yard. Protect it initially with a milk crate or something similar, until it gets going. My lawn was almost non-existent a couple of seasons ago. Then the rains came and so did the weeds. Bit by bit I've manually kept the weeds down and allowed the kykuya to take over. It isn't perfect but it is a lot better and is now pretty much all covered over :). Any bare spots that do occur (because of urine scold, for example) I just pull up a bit of the kykuya and plant it back in the bare spot - doesn't take long to take hold.

Edited by Erny
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No Danny's Darling - I enjoy mowing the lawns and gardening as well. I often start out doing something housework related and somehow get distracted towards the outdoors and pulling a few weeds or so whilst the housework waits :D.

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No Danny's Darling - I enjoy mowing the lawns and gardening as well. I often start out doing something housework related and somehow get distracted towards the outdoors and pulling a few weeds or so whilst the housework waits :D.

Keep it up, please. You are making me feel so much better. Housework comes in a very very very distant last to being out in the garden.

Maybe between us we will convert some smelly fake grass proponents. :laugh: :laugh:

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No Danny's Darling - I enjoy mowing the lawns and gardening as well. I often start out doing something housework related and somehow get distracted towards the outdoors and pulling a few weeds or so whilst the housework waits :D.

Keep it up, please. You are making me feel so much better. Housework comes in a very very very distant last to being out in the garden.

Maybe between us we will convert some smelly fake grass proponents. :laugh: :laugh:


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