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Hot Spots...diarrhea...link?


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Hi DOLers,

Two days ago my 11month old dog developed a hot spot which has spread to 5 hot spots in different areas. I've been trying to treat it myself(mainly with an apple cider vinegar spray) because I want to avoid him taking antibiotics or having to use a steroid cream.. I've noticed in the past few days he has also been going to poo at night which is unusual because he usually only goes in the morning. Tonight he went twice and the second time it was diarrhea :(. Any idea if the hot spots and diarrhea are linked? I'm thinking maybe its the pumpkin I introduced recently to try and bulk up his stool. (he has been on a half BARF half kibble diet for around 3 months now). He is otherwise his usually bouncy self while of course his owner here is abit down thinking what could it be...will probably head off to the vets if it doesn't improve soon.

Edited by ann21
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adding more fluid to an already gooey area is not a good idea, you need something to dry it out before the infection gets deeper or in your case is spreading. Iodine based dab ons are a good start but the fact it is spreading is not a good sign.

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Hi DOLers,

Two days ago my 11month old dog developed a hot spot which has spread to 5 hot spots in different areas. I've been trying to treat it myself(mainly with an apple cider vinegar spray) because I want to avoid him taking antibiotics or having to use a steroid cream.. I've noticed in the past few days he has also been going to poo at night which is unusual because he usually only goes in the morning. Tonight he went twice and the second time it was diarrhea :(. Any idea if the hot spots and diarrhea are linked? I'm thinking maybe its the pumpkin I introduced recently to try and bulk up his stool. (he has been on a half BARF half kibble diet for around 3 months now). He is otherwise his usually bouncy self while of course his owner here is abit down thinking what could it be...will probably head off to the vets if it doesn't improve soon.

Highlighted the bits that stands out the most to me - since the hot spots are spreading at a rapid rate you have no choice now than going to a vet and get it treated asap. It's not about what you want to avoid but what the dog needs to treat the hot spots before infection becomes far more serious.

While you are there ask about the diet and diarrhea and get that sorted out too. Go today - this time of year is a bugger with a sick dog and it will be more expensive tomorrow. I would not be wasting any more time in this heat with a dog who has the runs - I would be very concerned about dehydration.

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How did he go at the vets? That amount of hot spots in that short a time is a worry :(.

Thanks for the concern :). The vet thinks it might be because of the way I bathe him (shampoo directly on body first) and I might not have washed off all the shampoo or conditioner. The hot spots are only on his body. He gave him an antibiotic injection and put him on a course of oral antibiotics + cream. Hopefully it clears up soon!

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