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Swollen Foot


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The dog that has come to me to stay with me over the christmas break I have noticed has a very swollen top part of her foot. She is licking it and is limping slightly. I have clipped away the fur a bit to see and it is swollen up to a head with stuff oozing out and obviously painful when I squeeze. She must have a foreign object in there - any recommendations on what is best to do for her?

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Guest crickets

Very most likely a grass seed at this time of year.

Bush medicine bathe it with neat hydrogen peroxide which has a drawing effect. It will bubble & fizz which is normal and doesn't seem to upset the dog....but seriously if there is a foreign body in there best practice would be a trip to the vet to investigate. Most likely they will lance it and remove the offending object. Ab's maybe necessary. If left the grass seeds can travel amazingly through the dogs body. I have known many to go in to the dog between toes and end up being removed from shoulders for example!

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yes, certain grass seeds do migrate around the body :( Sometimes they can be located in the abscess on the foot ..we used to use local anaesthetic , then do a lot of exploring by feel with forceps ..but, yes ,sometimes surgery is required ..as the seed will cause infection/pain wherever it travels :(

Hope all goes well at the vets

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If you don't seem so sure about what you're supposed to do, you could just go visit a vet and have him take care of the swollen foot. Remember that you can do some home remedies but if you aren't so sure, then you might as well seek the help of a professional as opposed to doing something that could just harm your dog more.

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Well we went to the vet this morning and we are home with anti-biotics, anti-inflams and the vet dressed a poultice on the foot to try and draw it out. Because the foot had an open hole and is weeping he is hoping the foreign body will work it's way out. She doesn't have a temperature, so that's good but there is a bit of pus weeping from the hole. We're to go back there again on Monday to check if the swelling has gone down and if it has, all good. If not, he'll have to put her under and lance it out.

Thank you for your responses! I was hoping to wait a couple of days and see if it would resolve itself but after your responses and with christmas and new year close downs - I didn't want to take any chances. :)

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