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Best Collar Or Harness For Dog With Vision Issues


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can someone from all-knowing DOL please recommend the best collar or harness for a dog with slightly impaired vision. This is a recent development so she's a bit apprehensive, especially when the day's light fades. She tends to stumble and slip off pavements a bit. I want her to feel safe and to be able to "steer" her without stressing her. I also need to be able to support her weight if she tries to climb up or down things (like the steps in the back yard)

Much appreciated.

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you guys are quick, awesome!

tdierikx: I cannot put a second leash on her as I need the other hand to hold Casper's leash!

SecretKei: thank you for the link but I don't think the collar is going to help, it looks like the harness is the way to go

BlackJaq: thank you for posting the link to the other discussion...I have opened all the links and am about to read them all!


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I'm tempted to say don't change collar/harness but look at training some different things.

When Emma went blind I had to make a few changes. One was that 90% of the time I needed to walk her on her own as she would run in to Kenz, or if Kenzie crossed the path she would run in to Em. It ended up just being easier to walk her on her own so that we all enjoyed our time a bit more. But she was totally blind (well almost) when this was going on.

I did a lot of training with her though to teach her "careful" (something is coming up you're not expecting), "step up", "step down" and "close" (and she already knew directional cues but we did a lot more reinforment of those). By knowing those verbal cues it was easier to keep her safer when we walked. I also attached bells to me when we walked so that she could get her orientation of where I was and how close she was to me. I started this early when she was losing her vision so that by the time she was blind she already knew most of it and that increased her confidence.

Oh and I probably sounded like an idiot when we walked because I spoke almost the whole time!!! Particularly reassuring her and letting her know that if she stumbled it was ok and to just get up again and keep going. I found with Em when she first started losing her vision she lost a lot of confidence, but it had to be her getting back up and being resilient to know that she could. In the end if she stumbled she'd just get back up and keep walking. Just be careful about doing too much for your dog as it loses it's vision, teach it that it will be ok to keep going. I now think of it a bit like puppy socialisation - if they are scared of something don't mollycoddle, show them that it is ok and nothing to be scared of. It's a similar principle when training a vision impaired dog.

The funny thing if you do traing them to "step" and be "careful" is that you suddenly become accutely aware of every crack in the footpath!!!! Little steps for us are big steps that they trip over!!!

Good luck with your dog, and look in to the Blind dog websites/resources as there is lots of great information out there!

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