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Rspca New Regs On Working Dogs


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I havent read all the replies but I must say I am shocked at this. I am even shocked at having to wear muzzles. I ran a free range cattle farm and there is no way the bulls out there would respond to a muzzled dog my dog would have gotten killed had I had to muzzle him. Does the RSPCA realize that sometimes the cows turn on the dog then who gets hurt? I ran with BCs but I would use a hard mouthed dog and I am not sure many would but could be wrong. I have a great photo of my dog working where if he had been muzzled he would have gotten killed. The bull turned on him and a little nip on the nose that bull turned right back around.

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It doesn't necessarily affect anyone at this stage. It is on the National RSPCA page, but it is their new "guidelines" and they are asking people to show their support of them before March 2013. So I would think that is their review period.

It is sad to see the gradual decline into Animal Rights nuttery that the RSPCA has allowed itself to fall into.

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It doesn't necessarily affect anyone at this stage. It is on the National RSPCA page, but it is their new "guidelines" and they are asking people to show their support of them before March 2013. So I would think that is their review period.

It is sad to see the gradual decline into Animal Rights nuttery that the RSPCA has allowed itself to fall into.

This can be scary because they have a lot of supporters and prob most of them have no clue about working livestock so they may support it because they dont know better :(

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It doesn't necessarily affect anyone at this stage. It is on the National RSPCA page, but it is their new "guidelines" and they are asking people to show their support of them before March 2013. So I would think that is their review period.

It is sad to see the gradual decline into Animal Rights nuttery that the RSPCA has allowed itself to fall into.

This can be scary because they have a lot of supporters and prob most of them have no clue about working livestock so they may support it because they dont know better :(


I am going to bring this up with my local member of parliament

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I agree, the huge amount of uninformed supporters is scary. It is fairly easy to make anything we do with animals look inhumane or even downright cruel if you use select images and apply emotive and overly dramatic language, add to that some sad music and BAM, even shearing sheep can be made to look like torture :p

The public does not seem to question much of the rubbish they are fed and simply respond with emotional outbursts and donations to whoever is "exposing" these things to them...

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Ahh yes this is again I think gleaned from those bloody working dog surveys I feel that Deakin helps run. They have no idea on equipment or training they just tell everyone else what to do.

Get onto the RSPCA NOW people before they shut down the whole bloody country. The only people who will suffer are the dogs. They already are with the whole hands off idea.

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Ahh yes this is again I think gleaned from those bloody working dog surveys I feel that Deakin helps run. They have no idea on equipment or training they just tell everyone else what to do.

Get onto the RSPCA NOW people before they shut down the whole bloody country. The only people who will suffer are the dogs. They already are with the whole hands off idea.

Yep its coming from Sydney Uni - same person who pushed PDE and this is just the beginning.

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I guess stock horses will be next then, especially camp drafting and cutting, since they chase cows around at speed....

I like the idea of the RSPCA folks doing the dogs' job for a week, maybe they will rethink their position...

as already said they filmed some of their goons chasing a sheep with years of wool on it, How it survived would have had to be a miracle. AND they put it to air?????????????

No sheep owner would have treated one of their or anyone elses sheep so badly, any farm kid caught behaving like that would have had the strap and no dinner.

as for the Peta influence. HOW MANY times have I said the RSPCA was so concerned they sent letters to all members warning that Peta was intending to infiltrate and to sign up every family member and friends possible. The Lady who showed me the letter worked for one of the liberal politions, had been in the office on some business, cant even remember how it came up but there it was ..in writing no less.

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Ahh yes this is again I think gleaned from those bloody working dog surveys I feel that Deakin helps run. They have no idea on equipment or training they just tell everyone else what to do.

Get onto the RSPCA NOW people before they shut down the whole bloody country. The only people who will suffer are the dogs. They already are with the whole hands off idea.

Yep its coming from Sydney Uni - same person who pushed PDE and this is just the beginning.

This is why I've been so outspoken about people who post here from certain places, there is a monopoly on information being fed to others and it has the potential to do major damage, as we are now seeing.

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Could someone please put the link up to the relevant area on the RSPCA site?

Thank you

I put links up to the guidlines and pages about a page ago, is that what you are after?

Will go check, thanks :)

I want to make sure I give my local parliamentary person all the info as this is just idiocracy at it's best

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Could someone please put the link up to the relevant area on the RSPCA site?

Thank you

I put links up to the guidlines and pages about a page ago, is that what you are after?

Thanks I will have a look.

I want to make sure I give my local parliamentarian all of the information I can. This is idiocracy at it's best.

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The AFF will use their influence to prevent this becoming legislation.

As they did with live exports, and docking of lambs.

As the government "gave" the RSPCA legislation preventing docking of dogs if they would leave the docking of lambs alone, and not aggravate the AFF, no doubt another shonky deal can be worked out which will again disadvantage registered breeders and their dogs.

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