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Would you take a dog in for xrays to a vet clinic who had a parvo case in quarantine?

One of our older Finnish Lapphunds has had a problem with a hind leg since Saturday. Lame with swelling below (and initially above for the first couple of days) his hock and hard swelling in the actual hock joint. My Mum took him to the vet on Tuesday but because she was away until then (celebrating her 40th wedding anniversary :thumbsup: ) she didn't know the full story (he had been going from partially weight bearing to weight bearing over the three days) so the vet decided since he was weight bearing at that time it was probably a strain and put him on anti-inflammatory drugs with a note to bring him in for xrays if not better by the end of the week. Apparently they couldn't feel any swelling in the actual joint :confused:

Since starting on the meds he is now not weight bearing at all :( The soft swelling has pretty well gone but if you compare the two hock joints the "injured" one is definitely bigger. So I rang this morning and booked him in for x-rays tomorrow.

Except then my Mum got a call this afternoon saying they were cancelling because they had had a parvo case come in and they didn't want to take the risk with other dogs, even though that dog was quarantined. Our boy has been rebooked for Monday...

I tried ringing the other local clinic but they are flat out and also have parvo around anyway. The receptionist said if the dog was fully vaccinated it isn't a risk.

Now the dog in question hasn't been vaccinated for a few years as he has been a stay at home dog not show dog. In fact the last he would have been vaccinated would have been around 2007 or so which was the last time he competed interstate. We also have shows on Sunday with other dogs.

So the question is what would you do?

a) Leave it until Monday even though he hasn't been weight bearing on that leg for over 24 hours?

b) Take the risk of getting the xrays done tomorrow? How much of a risk is it given there is probably often dogs who have had parvo at vet clinics?

c) If we did get the xrays done tomorrow do we then take any of our dogs out on Sunday? Should we even go ourselves?

d) Decide it is all too hard and go buy goldfish instead of dogs? :rofl:

I pretty well know which way I am going but am curious about what others would do :)

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I'd be asking the vet why they are so worried about their own quarantine procedures that they are afraid of healthy dogs coming into the clinic for an X-ray...

I'd take my own dog for the X-ray anyway - just ask them to follow proper protocol before handling your dog if they've been in with the Parvo dog. If the problem is one that requires fast intervention, then you'd be kicking yourself for waiting.


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We always ask before taking a dog in have they had parvo(for day stay procedures),there quarantine maybe fine but the dog had to get into the clinic some how & not all owners seem to realize the issue there dog may have whilst walking around the carpark.

If it was a true emergency then we would take the risk but we have back up clinics as an option.

I applaud any clinic that is honest about having parvo dogs in & giving the client the option or doing what they feel is best .

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I'd be asking the vet why they are so worried about their own quarantine procedures that they are afraid of healthy dogs coming into the clinic for an X-ray...

I'd take my own dog for the X-ray anyway - just ask them to follow proper protocol before handling your dog if they've been in with the Parvo dog. If the problem is one that requires fast intervention, then you'd be kicking yourself for waiting.


Fast intervention is already well and truly past... I am kicking myself that I had to work and so couldn't take him in myself earlier this week even though he is Mum's dog but unfortunately I need money to pay the last run of vet bills :laugh: And at the end of the day he is nearly 10yo so they were probably trying to avoid doing any more than necessary in terms of sedation/anaesthetic.

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