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Bunter Can Go Like The Clappers:

Loving my Oldies

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Lately, I've been thinking that my dog, Bunter (Renbury Rescue probably Pom x Corgi, but who knows) is slowing down. He loves his walks and hurtles to the side gate where the leads are and cries on the very very rare occasions where I leave him to be walked on the second lap. However, once outside, he plods along as though putting one foot after another is such an effort.

What an actor :laugh: . I've just collected him from the groomer who is 50 metres down the road from me. He was is such a rush, I decided to drop his lead to see what he would do. Well he literally bolted down the footpath (only three house frontages until mine), skidded down my driveway and came to a halt in front of the side gate. I had to jog hard to keep up with him.

He won't fool me again, when I am walking at about 1/4km an hour for him - LOL.

He is Bunter fresh from the grooming parlour.


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