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Dodgy Flea/tick Control Products


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Just thought I'd post a copy of the email I received today, no doubt others here would have gotten the same one..

From: Paul [Derp] [mailto:Email address removed to protect the not-so-innocent]

Sent: Wednesday, 12 December 2012 10:34 AM

Subject: [Poo-Water Tag] Introduction

Dear Fellow Dog Lovers,

Regarding your involvement with dogs, I wanted to bring this unique company and their revolutionary new antiparasite product to your attention.

The Herpy Derp disc is scientifically proven,low cost, completely safe (non-toxic), guaranteed and it lasts 2 years!

The disc emits nano technology scalar waves that keeps Fleas and Ticks off your pet safely and effectively.

No need to buy expensive, harmful, toxic chemical pipettes any longer.

You may already be aware Herpy Derp are the only Network marketing company working in the $100 billion/ year pet care industry.

They have no competition, and a very attractive binary compensation plan which enables one to make a substantial regular income.

You are welcome to sign up free for 15 day trial period to see how the system works.

To see photos of my Old English Sheepdog wearing his Herp-Derp disc please see my Fb page linked below.

If you have any points or questions please feel free to get in contact.

Best regards,

Paul [Derp]

Say ´´Goodbye´´ to Fleas and Ticks forever, say ´´Hello´´ to financial independence for good!

For more information:




Business Presentation:


And my reply..

Normally I wouldn’t bother responding to spam (and I’m sure you’ll stop reading this when you see where I’m going with it) but can’t expect people to change without education so..

I’d like to address a few points..

This product is not new or revolutionary. It’s also not an antiparasite product but I’ll get to that in a moment.

The disc is not scientifically proven. Commissioned studies are very likely to be biased and even more likely to come up with inaccurate data because they’re paid to do that. Studies need also to be peer-reviewed and repeatable to the same result. Quite simply, this “technology” is about as scientifically proven as homeopathy (that is, not at all, in any way).

The product may well be safe in itself (after all, it has no pharmacological effect) but this doesn’t mean its use is not dangerous if pet owners might be foregoing the use of proper insecticidal products because they believe this tag will kept their pets safe. I’m not sure where you’re located but in many parts of Australia, we have paralysis ticks- these ticks can kill a dog in under a week. Selling something that claims to kill these while having no actual efficacy is so unethical, I can’t even begin to express my fury and disgust with you for potentially causing so many more deaths from paralysis ticks.

As for the 2 year life.. righto. Explain why they stop working after two years, again? They don’t (not that they worked to start with) but if you sold a lifetime product, you’d make less money and that’s what this is all about. Money. Not animal health. Shame on you, how incredibly slimy.

As for your business opportunities, perhaps you should do the right thing and mention to other potential suckers that identical products already exist and the market for dodgy, ineffective metal tags is already saturated. Take [name of other dodgy metal tag company removed], for example. But again, why left ethics or honesty get in the way of a good scam.

Absolutely disgusting.

Identifying details of dodgy product have been removed to save Troy any potential headaches.

A good article about a similar* product.. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Shoo!Tag Homeopathic credit cards.. :laugh:

*Same homeopathic credit card, different name, really.

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