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Disgusting Dogs


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I'll never forget when I took my old childhood dog for a walk and he brought me a used tampon, string hanging out of his mouth. :eek:

that happened to me too! Our dog Rebel ran in from the front, he'd been out on the street and I called him in. He was exactly the same, he seemed pretty excited, the way they are when they think they have a real prize. :vomit:

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Our little Chi brother and sister (RIP) broke up and rolled in some rotten duck eggs we hadn't found in the yard (our duck used to hide her eggs)....the smell :eek::mad

Like nothing I have ever smelt before or will smell again, I'm sure.

It took us days to totally get it out of them, especially the boy, we were rubbing their coats with vanilla essence just so we could be around them, the mingers :laugh:

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My dogs love their new diet of chook poo.

Harry likes chook poo! After we've had the chooks out, Harry checks out the whole yard and eats any poo he can find!! I forgot about that.

Also, when DH puts fertiliser (moo poo, sheep poo) in the vegie patch, unless we shut the gates,Harry has to go in and check it out.

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Guest Panzer Attack!

LOL this thread rules.

My darling angel baby Scooter has eaten not one, but TWO used condoms.

I used to live in a share and one of my housemates was a typical lazy 20-something gamer who never did dishes, left food everywhere etc. Anyways, Scooter used to go into his room all the time (cos he always left the door open) and one day he was screaming in the backyard and straining really hard to poop. The smell was out of this world. Imagine my horror when I pulled a used condom out of his bottom :cry: It was tied up, thank GOD, but OH THE SMELL. I told my other housemate about it who said it probably wasn't worth bringing up as it was clearly an accident, no one would leave something like that on the ground on purpose.

A few days later it happened again. I put a glove on and left the condom-poo on his bed with a poo bag underneath it with a note saying to please do something about the condom situation and I was too embarrassed to tell him in person. After that the housemate learned to close his door. LOL. Aw man. So gross.

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My dog dove under a bush on a walk one day and I had to drag her out, she had found a possum which I estimate had been there for around two weeks, cold, mouldy, decomposing, head removed, bloody/furry mess, guts coming out, stench like you would not believe.

She had clamped down hard on it and was not going to let go of her prize.

I had to straddle her body from behind wedging her between my legs so she could not move and pry apart her jaws, it took about 10mins.

Much to my dissapointment I could not shake the possum free once her teeth were apart, it was wedged in her jaw and I had to stick my hands in and scoop the decomposing possum bits out of her mouth.

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My dog dove under a bush on a walk one day and I had to drag her out, she had found a possum which I estimate had been there for around two weeks, cold, mouldy, decomposing, head removed, bloody/furry mess, guts coming out, stench like you would not believe.

She had clamped down hard on it and was not going to let go of her prize.

I had to straddle her body from behind wedging her between my legs so she could not move and pry apart her jaws, it took about 10mins.

Much to my dissapointment I could not shake the possum free once her teeth were apart, it was wedged in her jaw and I had to stick my hands in and scoop the decomposing possum bits out of her mouth.

:vomit: :vomit: :vomit: !!! :eek:

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I literally do not think I could touch my dog if it had rolled in human poo, seriously!! :eek: I actually really don't know what I would do :laugh:

As I said Aussie3 I REALLY considered leaving her there!!! But I just couldn't do it so put her in the car and took her home to clean her off. After multiple washes she was clean and then I had to go and do the car :eek:

My friend's golden retriever will stand behind their other dog as it poos and eats it.

Nooooo! :rofl:

Yep happens here too. Doesn't even hit the ground :o

Some of these stories bring about a whole new level of gross!!! The condom story springs to mind as does the possum one :dropjaw:

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Kivi has a gift for finding treasures and ground lollies. The other day he ran 100m down the park to fossick around in the bushes by the side of the road until he found a garbage bag and gleefully rolled and rolled and rolled on it. Given he only acts like that around dead animals and this garbage bag was reminding me strongly of the time I found a drowned cat in a bag by the lake as a kid, I just could not bring myself to look at what in the bag had got my dogs so excited. We are just not going to the dog park anymore. Possibly forever.

Kivi's top ten most exciting and glorious moments of his life:

1. Finding the rotten dead possum by the lake in such a state of decay it was both food and something delightful to anoint himself with. Washing chunks of rotten possum flesh out of a full coat = not fun for human.

2. Fresh dead shearwater at the beach that he spent several minutes dancing with, throwing into the air, diving onto, and trying to smother himself in.

3. Cleaning out a filled nappy he found in the mangroves.

4. Discovering fox poo in the dunes. It went into his mouth and all down his front. Cat poo is nothing compared to the stench of fox poo.

5. Finding a very large dead fish on the beach. Smelt so good!

6. Finding parts of a dead fruit bat. Yummo!

7. More fox poo in the dunes.

8. Finding a dead rat in the dog park. He spent quite a while rolling in that, too. It wasn't the first or the last, but it was a particularly good one.

9. When the council fertilised the field I took him to. Lots of bits of chicken in it. Kivi did not know what to do with himself with a WHOLE FIELD of wrongness. He just kind of frantically dashed around eating and rolling and dancing like a kid at a theme park.

10. Finding rotting bait full of maggots at the edge of the river. Thankfully that one was wedged between rocks and he couldn't quite get it plastered on himself.

The worst thing I have ever encountered was a dead turtle washed up on a beach. It was quite large, and the smell hit you from about 200m away. There's no way I could get much closer. My last dog was witnessed eating some unidentifiable part of kangaroo innards. She couldn't keep it down, although she just kept trying! A dog we had when I was a kid once brought up a dead cat from the lake and rolled in it and ate some of it. Tragically, it was someone's lost pet and still had a collar on. :( We had to get the collar off and call the owner to tell them their cat was sadly dead. It was only just recognisable as a cat.

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My dog dove under a bush on a walk one day and I had to drag her out, she had found a possum which I estimate had been there for around two weeks, cold, mouldy, decomposing, head removed, bloody/furry mess, guts coming out, stench like you would not believe.

She had clamped down hard on it and was not going to let go of her prize.

I had to straddle her body from behind wedging her between my legs so she could not move and pry apart her jaws, it took about 10mins.

Much to my dissapointment I could not shake the possum free once her teeth were apart, it was wedged in her jaw and I had to stick my hands in and scoop the decomposing possum bits out of her mouth.

OH! look what you reminded me of. She found this rabbit head at the park and ate it all.


Pennys prize by kirislin, on Flickr

Edited by Kirislin
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Like a couple of others have said, the worst thing was a decomposing possum.

They'll all eat cat crunchies, kangaroo poo, horse poo. Only Coco eats dog poo, but fortunately not as it comes out - he waits for it to dry off a bit, which gives me time to pick it up. :laugh:

Often I see Annie rolling around on something outside and I think, oh no what has she got now, but it usually turns out to be a dead worm. Luckily they don't have a strong smell.

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If Stan even trod in a poo he'd have a heart attack....he has a poo phobia.

That's what all our greys are like, too. We do get the odd one who enjoys eating possum/wallaby poo but god forbid they step in it, oh noez.

The most disgusting thing I've had to deal with was a dog who liked to eat grass- sounds innocuous but he liked to eat long grass, grass that would pass through intact. And then dangle from his bum when he went to the toilet. Which involved pulling on the rubber gloves and.. yeah.. getting the rest out so the poor thing wasn't waddling around with grassy klingons :vomit:

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My dog dove under a bush on a walk one day and I had to drag her out, she had found a possum which I estimate had been there for around two weeks, cold, mouldy, decomposing, head removed, bloody/furry mess, guts coming out, stench like you would not believe.

She had clamped down hard on it and was not going to let go of her prize.

I had to straddle her body from behind wedging her between my legs so she could not move and pry apart her jaws, it took about 10mins.

Much to my dissapointment I could not shake the possum free once her teeth were apart, it was wedged in her jaw and I had to stick my hands in and scoop the decomposing possum bits out of her mouth.

OH! look what you reminded me of. She found this rabbit head at the park and ate it all.


Pennys prize by kirislin, on Flickr

EWWWW But at least you didn't have to touch it!

That one looks fairly fresh compared to my possum as well...

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My dog dove under a bush on a walk one day and I had to drag her out, she had found a possum which I estimate had been there for around two weeks, cold, mouldy, decomposing, head removed, bloody/furry mess, guts coming out, stench like you would not believe.

She had clamped down hard on it and was not going to let go of her prize.

I had to straddle her body from behind wedging her between my legs so she could not move and pry apart her jaws, it took about 10mins.

Much to my dissapointment I could not shake the possum free once her teeth were apart, it was wedged in her jaw and I had to stick my hands in and scoop the decomposing possum bits out of her mouth.

OH! look what you reminded me of. She found this rabbit head at the park and ate it all.


Pennys prize by kirislin, on Flickr

EWWWW But at least you didn't have to touch it!

That one looks fairly fresh compared to my possum as well...

:laugh: yes I was lucky, it was fresh and didn't make her sick, she was very pleased with herself as you can probably tell.

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Yep, Harley's a long grass eater as well. I thought it was just him, but apparently he's passed that nugget of wisdom onto Thundercleese as well, I pulled a piece of grass almost a foot long out of Thundercleese's backside the other day. Ah, the joys of pet ownership!! :laugh:

All the dead-things stories reminded me of the time that the dogs let my two ferrets out. My girls were missing for 4 weeks. Then we had blocked drains :(

After the plumber pulled them out (yes, both of them, ferrets are not smart), he put them down on the grass briefly while we dug a hole in the front yard to bury them in. Thankfully the dogs were locked inside at this point. When all was done and dusted, I let the dogs out, and they had a wonderful time. All of them rolled in what was left on the grass, and Zehra made passionate mouth-love to the drain opening for about half an hour. It's the longest I've ever known her to concentrate on anything!!

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we had a pet goat in a share house and he was being weaned off the bottle. he would suck vigorously on his bottle and do lots of farting during and after. there was a big party at the house one weekend and after hearing him scream for his bottle the next morning some bright spark decided to feed him left over alcoholic punch. he drank his bottle quite happily but a little later while on the long concrete back verandah he farted and sent diarrhea flying across the entire length of the verandah. it took a lot of scrubbing to get that off.

I just pity the goat. I bet the person who did that thought it would be funny. I just hoped he or she would have done the scrubbing. How's the goat?

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we had a pet goat in a share house and he was being weaned off the bottle. he would suck vigorously on his bottle and do lots of farting during and after. there was a big party at the house one weekend and after hearing him scream for his bottle the next morning some bright spark decided to feed him left over alcoholic punch. he drank his bottle quite happily but a little later while on the long concrete back verandah he farted and sent diarrhea flying across the entire length of the verandah. it took a lot of scrubbing to get that off.

The poor little goat. That's abuse! I can't believe someone would do that. Hope it was ok after that

yes thankfully he was teela. he remained in the care of myself and my partner after that and eventually moved from our small acreage to a farm with girl goats to breed. he was a nubian. long time ago now though.

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