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Well I Didn't Think Of That One!


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We've recently got a treadmill for ourselves, but have also been introducing the dogs to it. Daisy is going well, but tonight after a few mins she stopped and squatted suddenly, so I pulled the emergency cord and she did a poo right on our new treadmill :eek:

I guess she poops while on a normal walk so figured it was also acceptable while walking on the treadmill :rofl: luckily it was pretty firm and easy to deal with :laugh:

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:rofl::rofl: sorry but that is just too funny.

Mine poop within about 1 minute of going on a walk, even if they've just crapped in the backyard. Must be all those tantalising smells.

Maybe your treadmill just smells too new for them. You need to go for a walk along your most feral streets full of dog & cat wee / poo then walk on the treadmill to cleanse it for them :)

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I think I might have hit the accellerator instead of stop.

A stopped platform is much easier to poop on than a moving one.

Nooooo! If she kept pooping it would have spread through the whole belt mechanism! Although it would be funny to see her roll off the end in poo position as the belt kept going :laugh:

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It's like my two have hidden reserves...can take them out the back garden and they'll do their business..then five minutes later we'll take them for a walk and literally within a minute one, or both of them is/are either pooing or peeing...where does all the extra come from?

Glad we're not alone!

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