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Puppy Run, Ground Cover

Kaffy Magee

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I have an under cover patio out the back. The ground is concrete. I am going to fence off an area for the puppies (about 5m x3m) for when they are old enough to go outside and are not supervised. I dont know what to put on the ground for them though that will be easy to clean. Should I:

Leave them on concrete but would then have to hose off multiple times a day,

Put down saw dust, which might be a bit messier but it will absorb wee and maybe easier to pick up,

Put down fake grass, but wont the wee just go straight through it and it might be hard to clean.

Im leaning toward the saw dust but also not 100% sure if its safe to use with bubs. I welcome any more suggestions and to hear from people who may have tried these options and what they thought.

Thanks :)

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Use shavings, not sawdust which will get in there eyes. Shavings like they use for stables are great and I would never go back to not using them. The other benefit of shavings is that flies do not like the smell so a fly free puppy run. Pick up any soiled or wet patches throughout the day and once a week sweep it all onto a tarp to throw out or use as garden mulch. Then disinfect the area and put down a fresh layer. The shavings coat any poop so the puppies never get any on them and it is easier to pick up.

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Sawdust is messy & they may eat it. Fake grass is horrid to clean, I have it in one cat run, everything sticks in it & I have to use a vacuum & a slicker brush to clean it.

I have a big tiled area that I pen for pups. I just put a blanket down for them & some beds in there however my dogs are not in it all the time. Its only short times when I am out there with them but they are too young to run loose.

I would do this on the concrete & hose it.

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Thanks for the suggestions, I'll think about it some more, I still think I prefer the wood shavings idea.

And no Dasha I cant. I have chosen the patio becasue that is the best place for them at my place. The patio is under cover so sheltered from the weather, also cooler in this heat and will also help stop toads getting in at night time. I will also have fans plugged in for cool air flow, which I cant do out in the yard on the grass. They will have plenty of time to play out on the grass when I am home and able to supervise. ETA: We also find snakes in our yard too regularly for my liking and whilst snakes might still come under the patio it is less likely as it is very open and busy with activity.

Edited by Kaffy Magee
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Grab a few bags of clean river sand and spray the sand over the area, this will help to absorb the wee and poo is often rolled up, then just sweep the sand together and throw on the garden and spray handfuls of sand over the area again. I used this system when I lived at my parents and it was pretty easy and much better to have pups with sand in their coats rather than poo and wee.

Shavings and sawdust are a nightmare on concrete, I use shavings in the stables on top of the sand base for the horses - makes good compost then.

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Buy some fake grass, they have it in rolls at Bunnings :)

Problem with this is the urine goes straight through to the base where bacteria will then flourish.... not a healthy environment for puppies.

I have mine out on the grass most of the time, and am able to move the pen daily for a thorough clean-up.

When I have them in under the roof, I have them on shavings.

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