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Pet Protector

mini girl

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Had an email re pet proctector a disk that your pet wears and offers 2 years protection for fleas and ticks - I would love to think this is true as the cost is only $49.00 a lot less than all the other chemical products - which to be ho0nest I hate having to use - just would like to know if anyone has used it and does it work.

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I bought a couple of Skudos which work on a different system...they are a little ultrasonic tag that goes on the collar & lasts for a year.They are made in Italy & I got them from Amazon. I use them as a backup to the Advantix or Frontline Plus Spot On (whichever one I am using). Do they work??? Well all I can go on is that the boy lost his in the first couple of weeks & we have pulled two bad ticks off him recently. My girl wears hers all the time except for when she is swimming & she has been tick free, not even any grass ticks, but she does spend a whole lot more time inside than the boy.

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The pet pr o te ct or website says only 95% effective.

If you go through all the fine print - says it is only 95% effective against ticks - which might be acceptable in a bush tick area but not in a paralysis tick area.

A lot of dogs can avoid fleas at least by good management and lack of exposure to hosts - ie only hanging out with flealess dogs, and flealess cats. Ie not likely to get fleas at an agility competition where every dog is well cared for, and are likely to in areas where people don't spend money on flea treatments or prevention for their dogs, or don't even notice when their dogs get them.

And their scientific studies have sample sizes - last time I looked it was 40 dogs - that are way too small to be conclusive.

So I would not rely on it. From a vague understanding of basic biology - I can't see how they'd be any different to the metal tag that many dogs wear with their owner's phone number.

As for the "ultra sonic" things - I got talked into buying one of the mozzie repellant ones - it's supposed to make noises too high for the human ear to hear. Ok - I must be not-human cos I can hear it singing away. And I've watched mozzies fly in and suck my blood within ear shot of the things. So those particular things along with the zapper thing that is supposed to reduce the sting - do not work on me or my dog (didn't try the sting zapper on the dog). At all. But I am the person in the crowd that all mozzies with choose first over anybody else.

Personally I think the PP is about the same as those super wrist bands worth $2 that were being sold for $60each a few years ago until they got banned for making false "health claims". Ie they were no different from placebo wrist bands.

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