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Black 18months Old Labrador And....


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So you already have two dogs???

When I got my lab puppy my 5 yo (titled) and supposedly well trained lab was more than happy to run amok with him. Things that she'd never shown interest in before were suddenly great fun to run around shredding. At least I felt comfortable raising my voice cause I knew she could understand. But they certainly egg each other on.

The moulting is bad but two lab's are still nothing compared to one leg on a gsd :p

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  • 5 months later...

Hi guys, thanks for the great response, I have decided to go another lab, does the sex of the new puppy play a major role or i have no control and have to leave it to them to sort themselves out?

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Hi guys, thanks for the great response, I have decided to go another lab, does the sex of the new puppy play a major role or i have no control and have to leave it to them to sort themselves out?

If you get another dog I would advise getting a male and having him desexed as it is more likely they will get on. I have heard if two females don't get on the fights can be quite nasty.

I hope it goes well whatever you decide. :)

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Hi guys, thanks for the great response, I have decided to go another lab, does the sex of the new puppy play a major role or i have no control and have to leave it to them to sort themselves out?

Good decision. I started out with one lab, then went to two, then to several, now I'm back at two. I'll never have only one again. Even if they're very people oriented, dogs like to talk dog, not to mention the little joys they get from playing mouthy games, licking ears, etc.! Sex matters a lot if you intend to breed. If you're desexing, not a big deal. Just go for good temperament and good health (find out all you can about diseases and age of death in ancestral bloodlines.

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Good choice to go another Lab :) They do have a certain play style ("I'll try to bite your face off then you try to bite my face off then we'll run around like loons slamming into eachother every 3 seconds then we'll wrestle to see who can push who over using their butt while maintaining a stranglehold on the throat"). Two Labs will have a ball together - swimming, snuggling and rumbling. Good times :)

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