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Princess's Happy Ending :-)


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Some of you may remember little Princess. She was left abandoned in a backyard after her owners broke up and left the house. :( Thankfully the neighbour fed and gave her water for the few weeks she spent alone. Her owner was returning to the house to pick her up, take her to the vet and have her pts. She was only 2 years old at the time. :(

My brother asked if I could help her. He had met her a few times and assured me she was a very sweet girl and extremely good with kids, having grown up with 4 littlies. I couldn't leave her to die so bought her home. It didn't take long to see what my brother mean't. She was indeed, a very sweet little girl. So happy, (despite what she'd been through), friendly and loving and definately deserving of a better ending than being pts because the owner couldn't be bothered to even try and rehome her. :(

So we waited and waited for the right home to come along for Princess. There were a few enquires for her over the months, but none of them were right for Princess.

I had high hopes for her (as I do with all my rescues) and really had my heart set on finding her a family with young children. I saw just how much she loved kids in the year she spent with us. She adored my 2 little boys and would get in the middle of their wrestling games and would always make them laugh. She would go up under the blankets, then roll around like a cut snake under there so all you saw were these 4 little paws poking up from beneath the blanket. :laugh: the kids thought it was hilarious, (as did I) and the more we laughed, the more she'd do it. She has such a funny little personality and always had a way of making us laugh. If we didn't have so many dogs ourselves, she would of been a foster failure, for sure.

At last though, after a long wait - the right home did come along for Princess. :thumbsup:

A few weeks ago, a lovely family (of 5) who live only minutes from us, spotted her on PR. They'd lost their 13yr old dobe earlier this year and it left them all heartbroken, especially the kids and especially their 8 yr old daughter who just adores animals. :(

So they came to meet Princess the weekend before last.

It was love at first sight. They loved Princess and she loved them.

Watching their daughter and Princess laugh, interact and play on the lounge together was so heartwarming, especially after what they'd both been through (with Princess being abandoned and the loss this little girl felt after losing her own dog that she'd grown up with). The smile on both their faces was priceless and still makes me teary. (I am hopeless, I know :o )

The rest of the family loved her too. After spending some time with her, I asked them to go home and to have a think about it and to talk it over before deciding, (as I do with all potential adopters) even though I knew in my heart what the answer would be. :)

Shortly after they left, they sent an email saying they would love to make her a part of their family. Oh and that the kids couldn't stop talking about her. :laugh:

So Princess was vetted last week and was picked up on Sunday.

I called Monday night for an update and all was going well. She was settling in beautifully and was very happy, as were her new family, with her. She was also not the least bit bothered by their pet cat. :thumbsup:

I did mention beforehand that I wasn't sure how she was with cats, but that I had a feeling she'd be ok. I got to know her pretty well in the 12mths she was here and although we might not have a cat, we do have guinea pigs and birds and she never showed any interest in them.

I could tell they were dog savvy people and they assured me they would introduce them carefully. Turns out I was right. She has shown no aggression and no interest in the cat whatsover. :thumbsup:

I told them I would call again Wednesday (today) for the next update, but I didn't get a chance. Crystal (her new Mum) called me first to advise Princess would be staying. :cheer::cheer::cheer:

They love her so much and couldn't imagine life without her.

Crystal was telling me even their teenage Son, who is 13 and going through that difficult teen stage, has fallen for her. He even lets her sit on his lap as he plays the xbox! :laugh: And she gets to sleep with the little girl in her bed at night which I imagine Princess would be loving and lapping up.

Crystal says to me "I know you told me she was sweet before we met her, and we could see that when we came out and met her, but after spending time with her and getting to know her ourselves, we really see what you mean now. She is such a special little girl. She has stolen all our hearts and makes us so happy". :)

Although I do miss her, (hard not to, she is so sweet and was a part of our family for a year) I am just so so happy for her. She's been waiting so long for her forever family to come along.

And what perfect timing! she can spend her first Christmas with her new family, being loved and spoiled. :heart:

A link to her original thread


And just a few of the many photos taken of Princess while she was here.






Below 2 pics are of her waiting patiently for her new family to come and pick her up on Sunday. :)



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We just had a little visitor. :D

Princess's new Dad dropped her crate back to me (I lent it to them incase she needed it to help settle in but she didn't need it) and bought her along to say hello. :)

She looks really well and happy and was sporting a pretty pink harness. Apparently her and the cat get along so well they even play together. :thumbsup:

She continues to do well and her new family adore her. Oh and I got to give her lots of cuddles while she was here. :)

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