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Meet The Hedgehogittens


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Meet the Hedgehogittens: Caring cat becomes surrogate mother to a very prickly little brood

PUBLISHED: 15:38 GMT, 17 November 2012

There's just no substitute for a mother's love, as this caring cat proves by playing surrogate mum to an adorable litter of orphaned hedgehogs.

Sonya, the ginger cat from central Russia, only had one kitten of her own meaning there was plenty of milk to spare, so she readily adopted the four baby hedgehogs into the family.

She treats them, exactly as if they were her own, allowing them to suckle to their hearts content and then snuggle up to sleep in her fur when they're full.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2234399/Meet-Hedgehogittens-Caring-cat-surrogate-mother-prickly-brood.html#ixzz2CYoLufzP


Edited by LabTested
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