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Does Your Dog Have A Favourite Toy?

Guest donatella

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Guest donatella

Bonnie has taken a liking to a boring old stuffed wombat, its not even a dog toy, its a boring old brown stuffed wombat, it doesn't squeak or do anything special and I do wonder what the appeal is. But its the one she always carries around and I do fear the day she guts it :laugh:

This house is riddled with toys to chose from too, and fun doggy toys I am puzzled she choses the boring old brown wombat.

Is my dog the only weird toy obsession?

She's literally chewing it right now too.

My mums Maltese has a humpy bunny. Its a boring old stuffed rabbit that has lost its stuffing but its the only toy he'll play with and its his humping release.




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Kenzie has a toy "monkey", it was a soft toy from the baby section of a cheap shop - I think I literally bought out all Melbourne stores of the toy!! Anyway "monkey" (the original was a monkey but there are about 4 varieties all of which get called monkey!) is her absolute favourite. She carries it with her when she's really happy and when she's super contented she lies in her bed sucking on it. I have reached the scary stage of only having about 2 maybe 3 monkeys left in my stash!!! At some point they get used in a game of tug and monkey ends up dying. I don't know what is going to happen when I run out of monkeys!!!! I keep looking for more and for substitutes, but luck is not on my side with this one at the moment! So fingers crossed she and Hamish choose to not play tug with the ones I have left!!

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All my dogs have their favourites

Lestat - his duck, Quackers the 10th

Alchemy - her stuffed Monkey

Dante - Simba his chewy lion king toy. It was the only toy that survived puppy stage.

Beowulf - a small stuffed white dog with no eyes, Grendal

Daenerys - her three headed squeeky dragon, Mr Dragon

(Yes I also name my dogs toys :o )

edited - forgot about simba

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Our old Chi used to have a stuffed toy turtle that he slept with...and humped....:laugh:

Mosley doesn't really care much about toys but LIli has a few favourites. Her blue squeaky ball, red squeaky bone and pillows (she sucks on them and kneads with her paws :love:) are her favourites. Oh and she loves Elmo toys! Goes nuts for them :confused:

Key for her is "Can I chase or catch it? And does it squeak?" :laugh:

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Guest donatella

I'm wondering why we spend all this money on expensive dog toys when half the time they cling to op shop stuff toys (must be a puppy thing though, they love the squeaks as they get older).

Yes I named the wombat "Womby"

hell original :laugh:

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That's so funny, when I looked at the pics I thought "aaawww, Bonnie and womby".

Saxon's favorite is Polar Bear (who is, surprise surprise, a polar bear toy from Sea World). When Saxon first came home as a baby he pretty much the same size as Polar Bear so I love seeing Sax with him now. Sax likes to bring PB over to me and push him against my arm or leg, then when I look he "kills" him (shakes) :laugh:

Riley is the funniest, he tends to get attached to the bits left over once a soft toy has been de-stuffed and pulled apart. So he'll walk around for weeks with an unstuffed toy arm or leg or head :rofl:

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Older dog has had previously a hot water bottle cover in shape of elephant, this is called Elle, and gets to travel absolutely everywhere we go, he sleeps with it one paw on it and head laying on it like a cushion, he also runs around after evening meal shaking it furiously, over the past 8 yrs it has had many repairs done latest being replacing ears with peices of an old grey washer (face cloth) New puppy plays tug -o-war with it and him, funny how she instinctively knew this was his most precious toy and commenced teasing him by running off with it :rofl:

New Puppy came home having been introduced to pinky bear a little flat merino wool bear - especially designed for new born babies of the human kind - I purchased it pre puppy and slept with it for a month when she was a week old it went to meet her and she was introduced to its scent, each time I visited over next 9 weeks pinky went along, when puppy came home she took instant liking to bear and it is her favourite gets dragged around, she finds it no matter wher i hide it and it is licked and snuggled, thrown around and much loved still even now she is nearly a year old so I can see another long association coming up. :D

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Most of you probably already know my Stella has taken a "toy fetish" to a whole new level with "Pete" the pelican. It's a soft toy that makes a honking sound. Since the day she came home at 12 weeks Stella chose Pete out of lots

of new toys I had ready for her. She carries it around in her mouth everywhere she goes, she sucks on tail end if she gets upset or is tired. He also doubles as a pillow sometimes.She won't go to sleep without him. When she goes

out in the boat with us, Pete comes too. I have had to buy about 6 or 7 of them cause by the of each day poor Pete is saturated with slobber, so I get her a clean one. We do get a lot of double takes when we are off camping,

people can't believe it when she greats them with a big fluffy honking pelican stuffed in her mouth :laugh: I often wonder why she has such a severe toy fetish & to be honest I was quite concerned when I first witnessed such

odd / ocd behaviour. I do know that her mum was a pretty terrible one & wouldn't nurse her pups willingly & had to be held down at feed times so they could nurse. She too has a toy fetish & carries a fluffy ball around with her.

Maybe a slightly genetic :shrug:

I did try & take it from her a couple of times when she was little but she just replaces him with something else so I figured just let her be. Also thought she may grow out of it but she is 2 years old today actually so that is

not going to happen. Just adds to her quirky, very cute nature in my obviously very bias opinion :o :laugh:

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My two have a boring old stuffed wombat too! Most of their toys are from the op-shop but they have a squeaky rabbit that they love. Maddie has a stuffed crocodile that is a metre and a half long that she curls into at night. It usually stays on the bed but every now and then Stan will drag it out into the hallway and do his best Mick Dundee croc wrestle :laugh:

BC Crazy I just chuck the toys in the washing machine when they get slobby. Last time I washed them all I had 14 different stuffed animals hanging by their various body parts on the clothesline :laugh:

Edited by stans mum
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James has an obsession with a penguin. Like Bonnie's wombat, his penguin isn't even a dog toy but he adores it so, so much. It makes penguin-like chirps when you squeeze its tummy. Although he's not allowed to play with it anymore since his tooth pierced its abdomen.

And he sleeps with his 'squeaky ball' (Cuz) every night. Don't pick a soft toy or anything, Dog. Pick the big, clunky one that squeaks when I accidentally kick it off the bed each night.

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My two have a boring old stuffed wombat too! Most of their toys are from the op-shop but they have a squeaky rabbit that they love. Maddie has a stuffed crocodile that is a metre and a half long that she curls into at night. It usually stays on the bed but every now and then Stan will drag it out into the hallway and do his best Mick Dundee croc wrestle :laugh:

BC Crazy I just chuck the toys in the washing machine when they get slobby. Last time I washed them all I had 14 different stuffed animals hanging by their various body parts on the clothesline :laugh:

Yes Stans mum, by new I meant clean sorry should have clarified. Only said to OH the other day, as we have neighbours that look down off their back verandah onto our cloths line area, what must they think when they

see 6 or 7 pelicans & what ever else need a wash on toy wash day hanging on the line :rofl: then again do I care, not !! :laugh:

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