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My Cavalier Is Sick Advice Or Ideas Please


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Hi Everyone

4 weeks ago on the 15/10/12 I lost my Cavalier Mia 6 yr old, who suddenly died the vet thinks she had a tumor because there was blood in her stomach no indications of her being sick at all until it was too late I found my beautiful Mia dead I am missing my Mia so much, but now her best friend Oscar ( cavalier 7 yr old ) is sick his glands are swollen in his neck and his eyes are red the vet has given him medicine as he thinks he has a infection I took him to the vet last Thursday but in the last 2 days I have seen him try to get out the door by walking into the side of the freezer, walk into walls,he appears to be loosing his sight and he is not very energetic, I am taking him back to the vet tommorrow because I am concerned about his sight and being lethargic any ideas of what could be wrong I dont want to loose my beautiful boy and I really want him to get better and be happy again. I know he would be missing Mia they were inseparable and he is probably depressed and this would not be helping him with what is going on with his health. Oscar has always been a happy healthy dog until now.

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I am so sorry :(

Did the vet do blood tests?

With 1 dog dying and another very ill .. there may be a connection ... maybe an illness or a poison?

Just something to mention to the vet when you ask for a blood test .

I hope the vet visit tomorrow helps you and Osca.

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Thankyou for your reply Persephone I will ask for a blood test, my dogs have never been sick until now, I have 2 other dogs aas well and they are happy and full of life so I don't think it's poison maybe an illness ? I hope not I don't want to loose my Oscar he is not himself at all

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Hi Everyone

I took Oscar to the vet today, the vet has ruled out Lymphoma as his glands have gone down in size a lot and the redness in his eyes has nearly all gone, since he has been on the medication as the vet said he had an infection from a tooth, but his eyesight is a different story altogether he put a purple light on his eyes and cannot find anything with the light I can't remember what the light is called he has put him on quarterzone for his eyes to see if this brings down inflammation as he can still see but not all the time his eyes flinch if you put your hand near his eyes but if you wave near his eyes the eyes do not move, the vet said the eye problem is aiming more to do with the brain and his reflex, he has suggested that Oscar see's a eye specialist.

So far tonight Oscar has walked into the washing machine, fridge,walked into a pole, is slowly walking up steps and does not seem to have much energy and is not being his usual energetic self, usually he would be pinching the cat biscuits and running around house all he wanted to do was lie on the kitchen floor very heartbreaking to see my beautiful Oscar deteriorate.

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So, did the vet do blood tests to check for any problems? What tooth is infected? What did he say to do with the infected tooth?

I would suggest another vet ... a second pair of eyes may see things differently and have more ideas.......

Now... you have other dogs? May I suggest a tiny bell on collars, so Osca can hear where they are ... and also , put a small dab of citronella or something on things he runs into .

Some other suggestions....Keep him in one room , do NOT move anything ... and let him slowly adjust .... offer him his food in one spot ... carry him upstairs ..and put baby gates on , in case he falls coming down ...

For things like the door, his bed, ..put a drop or two of something nice ..vanilla would be good ..the real vanilla extract :) give him treats ..roast chicken/cheese /peanut butter when he is in bed ... ...

But I really do suggest another vet /clinic.

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I am so sorry for your loss..

Could he have had a stroke?

I know of a dog that stressed out because it lost its best friend and had a stroke - walking into things was one of the symptoms because he had lost his balance.

Poor little guy, I hope he is feeling better soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thankyou everyone for your suggestions the dogs have bells on their collars it sounds like Christmas in my house

The update is that Oscar has been back to the vet his glands on his neck have got bigger the vet now thinks he has Lymphona (cancer) as his eyes are red again but he said he can't test him because the quarter zone that he gave him will make it show up negative the quarter zone masks it. Oscar has gone downhill tonight badly he won't eat, lethargic, his eyes are really standing out, lost weight, not balancing propperly, vomitted 3 times, holding his down if he does walk, basically is just laying there all he does is wag his tail and open his eyes I have been carrying him out to the toilet but for some strange reason he is not lifting his leg when going to the toilet, can anyone suggest another good vet in the seven hills NSW area as my vet said last week if he has cancer there is nothing he can do and now cannot be tested I don't want my beautiful boy to suffer note he has only gone down hill tonight the last time I wrote on here he picked up probably because of the quarter zone and medicine ? He does not look good at all

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:( It certainly sounds bad ...and I guess what you have to do is see the world as dear Oscar does ... and think what enjoyment there is in his life now ? Not lifting his leg? Probably because he is weak and feeling wobbly and sick....

I can't recommend a vet , But I urge you to get him to one urgently.

He can probably be put on a drip and have something to help him relax and feel less pain....

If he is going downhill so very fast , then you have some decisions to make ..even if it is keeping him comfortable in hospital while a diagnosis is found ..or maybe having him gently go to meet Mia, as you hold him .

It is an awful time for you- I am so very sorry :(:hug:

Take care

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Thanks everyone I took Oscar to the vet he said he has a brain tumor he was too far gone he could hardly move and by the time we got there even his tail stopped wagging he was too sick I know there was nothing we could for him so he has gone to the rainbow bridge to be with Mia he couldn't live without her goodbye my beautiful boy Run free with Mia

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