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Wheat And Arthritis


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Just putting this out for discussion, as I am still thinking it through.

Basically, I was researching arthritis in humans, and came upon a study that linked arthritis and inflammatory conditions with wheat consumption.

The study found that when they removed wheat from their diet, a lot of people's symptoms improved dramatically.

My research was triggered when my coeliac daughter developed full on arthritis - even swollen joints in her hand - after inadvertently eating the wrong corn chips. She had symptoms in her hands, knees and back!

So now I am wondering if feeding dry food that contains wheat may aggravate arthritis in our dogs.

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I fully support the theory. :thumbsup: My eldest boy who is now 12, has severe arthritic issues. I see a naturopath myself and it was her who bought up the link between wheat and inflammatory conditions and the benefits in removing it from the diet, particularly with arthritis.

I then put my boy on a wheat free food and the difference was amazing, initially I was able to cut out all vet medication and just rely on herbal support and he got a huge new lease on life. That was over two years ago and I have had to reintroduce the more serious stuff, but I have absolutely no doubt he wouldn't be where he is today and able to do what he can, if he was still getting wheat in his diet.

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Many animal nutritionists agree that the removal of cooked grains and plants from the nightshade family like tomato, potato, capsicum, eggplant etc can help to ease or prevent inflammatory diseases like arthritis and skin problems.

Certainly these things have the same effect with us humans.

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