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Introducing My Funky Coloured Lgd


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This is my pound puppy who is not so little any more. She loves all my animals, including chickens, baby chicks, horses and sheep, so I got REALLY lucky with my skinny orange pup!




She is going to move in with my chickens shortly, once the chicken fence is made dog proof lol

I was considering getting a LGD but seems like that wont be necessary now...

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Wow, perfect specimen of the exceptionally rare Orange Guardian Dog. Tough to beat an OGD for awesome, she's beautiful. :D :D :D

You really did get lucky.

Here's the links Perse, maybe they will work for you?




I've been trying to teach my dog to be good with stock, easier said than done when you live in suburbia. We went to the local pony club a few times and a lady there tethered up a bombproof pony so we could sit next to it for a half hour and watch all the other ponies do their pony club thing, which stood us in good stead when we were travelling around Australia. I've never really had a good opportunity to introduce her to sheep though, all the ones I've ever come across are a bit too flighty to present a viable opportunity.

How did you manage to get her good with chickens? They just look so much like dog toys, and probably smell reminiscent of chicken necks too. I'd never considered the possibility of getting my dog to be chook safe, I'm not sure how to go about it. I'd love her to be a completely stock safe dog. Not an essential life skill given where we live, but it'd be awesome anyway.

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Lol the best part is that this sheep is not actually hand tame. I can't touch it at all but its cool with the dog!

I didn't really need to train her to do anything, she came knowing sit, stay and drop it and house trained as well and she just really likes all the animals. I think she just has a really, really low prey drive (if any). The baby chicks have been wandering between her pen and into the nursery pen (the mesh was a tad too big and they fit for a while :o) and she has kept her distance, made no attempts to chase or even touch them, which is great since at that age they can be easily smooshed (we had an incident where my Wei somehow managed to coax my hand tame chick out of the chicken pen, no idea how it got out, probably between the door and the frame?, anyways, she retrieved it, happy as can be, only to discover it was dead when she put it down. She was pretty saddened by this as she has retrieved my rooster twice when I was not paying enough attention and he has been fine each time)

She actually walks up to my young gelding and sits in front of him to have her back scratched. He is pretty mouthy at this stage and will lick and chew on her for ages? She seems to enjoy it, too.

I think somebody missed out majorly when they didn't claim her from the pound, she is awesome and an all round gentle, loving dog. As long as she gets to hang out with us during the day she seems ok to be on fox guard duty outside at night so I pretty much got the perfect deal here I think.

Wow, perfect specimen of the exceptionally rare Orange Guardian Dog. Tough to beat an OGD for awesome, she's beautiful. :D :D :D

Hahaha! Love the OGD, I might have to make up a sign for the poultry yard that proclaims it protected by the Orange Guardian Dog :D :D :p

ETA: I just realized you can't see her tongue in the photos but she was actually licking that sheep until her nose was all sloppy. I was wondering at the time if she was taste-testing that ewe or was just being affectionate... I will let you know how that works out when she is inside the pen lol

She is good with kids, too, unlike Foxy.

Here she is at a Wiggles themed birthday party (she was wearing a costume to begin with but took it off at tosme stage before the camera came out haha)



And this is how she arrived:


She definitely came a long way since then!

Edited by BlackJaq
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She really is beautiful, and what a perfect temperament for your household. It looks like she had a tough time before you (and your very lickable sheep) came into her life. Lucky you, and lucky her, a really serendipitous meeting for you both.

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She really is beautiful, and what a perfect temperament for your household. It looks like she had a tough time before you (and your very lickable sheep) came into her life. Lucky you, and lucky her, a really serendipitous meeting for you both.

Lol I like the sound of that :D Yes, she is awesome but if I start praising the benefits of getting a pound dog or adopting from a rescue here I will probably be preaching to the choir xD

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