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Need To Find A Good Verterinary Surgeon


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MBS he is bouncing around like a loon!!! At the moment I am waiting on a call back from the vet that does the surgery here, we had a chat yesterday and she thinks they could do it here, although she is not convinced it in the cervicle mucoseles. Her reason for that is when she asperated the lump the first time, there was no saliva in it. Instead the untrasound looked like it was an abcess, and it also responded to antibiotics and anti-inflammitories. She was going to send all the information to a vet in Adelaide and get another opinion, so hopefully we can sort it out. My big concern at the moment is that I want to do some training with him, but I dont want anything on his neck to aggravate the lump, so we are doing lots of 'sit' and other commands he will do for food without needing a lead.

his lungs were xrayed last friday and there was a marked improvement from the Tuesday, so that was another good sign. He had also put on 1.7 kgs in the 4 days so he is healthy in every other aspect. If it wasnt for that side it we proably would have decided to have him PTS last week. IMO the only thing that needs fixing is this dammed lump, then it should be clear sailing from here on in. :thumbsup:

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A further update on the little monster, the vet in town here and the specialist in Adelaide have been talking, and they have agreed that it is probably not a cervical mucoseles, but to be on the safe side they want the specialist to have a look at the lump. At the moment there is no lump there so we have to wait until its up again, prior to making any arrangements. He is on heavy duty antibiotics for his lungs, which were xrayed again today, and while on those the lump is staying down, so I think (and this is just in my opinion) that the ABs are knocking the 'infection' around a lot. Hopefully it may fix it properly, I dont think they hit it with a strong enough dose or for long enough the first time. He is now up to 17 kgs, so growing like a weed. I am being positive, he had his first heartworm injection today, we are thinking ahead to the future with this one!!!!!!!

Edited by piperspal
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Surprised that a vet would give a heartworm injection to a sick puppy.

Agreed and usually prohart is given at 6 months minimum then again at 15 months after which it is annually. I have heard a lot of people recently saying their dogs have been injected at 12 weeks etc and one I know became very ill post an early injection. :confused:

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Aside from the lump, he is perfectly healthy. If he wasn't I would have put him down long ago. The antibiotics were requested by me to make sure the lungs have cleared up properly and also to see if it clears up the lump. I requested that he have the heartworm now, as he will be in line then to come in with the other dogs when they have thier boosters. I wont have to make seperate trips just for him.

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2 weeks ago he did, they xrayed his lungs again yesterday and aside from one small area, about the size of a 10c poece, they have cleared up beautifully. Hence staying on the antibiotics for another couple of weeks, then more xrays and I expect to get the all clear. Like I said, he is healthy, he was trying to pull the drain hose from the washing machine out of the wall this morning...... (we let the water flow onto the ground the other side of the fence) The pneumonia has come about (we think) from being under a GA to investigate the lump, he asperated some fluid as he was coming out of hte anethetic.

Edited by piperspal
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