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Worming Tablets And Vomiting.


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I have been up with Ziggy since 2:45 this morning. He vomited then and has been restless for the remainder of the night.

He just got up and vomited again.

The only thing he had out of the ordinary yesterday was a Eurogard worming tablet last night about an hour after dinner (which he only ate about half of (100g roo mince).

He did have a brisket bone yesterday but I cut most of the fat layer off, just leaving the bone and meaty part because he does have an issue with fat on meat (it tends to make him vomit).

The same thing happened when I gave him a comfortis tablet, so we abandoned the idea of giving him that and now use Advantix in tick season only.

He is finally asleep, across my lap.

Does anyone else have dogs that vomit from worming tablets?

Maybe he just picked up a bug at the park and it was just a coincidence?

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Mindy used to spew after having the endoguard tablets.

She also spewed once or twice with comfortis.

She used to only spew once though and seemed fine after that, not restless or anything.

I now only give heartguard chewable once a month which she loves and tolerates quite well and also use advantix fortnightly for ticks.

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Guest donatella

Mine has spewed on worm tablets before so I never worm unless a full tum now.

Poor little Zig, hope he feels better today!

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Most monthly heartwormers also do round worm etc. but they do not do tapeworm so if your dog has fleas then you need to treat for tapeworm every three months.

Some heartwormer can upset the gut on dogs that are more sensitive. I found that Interceptor was a very good Heartwormer, better than Heartguard Plus.

You should also remember that if your dog doesn't tolerate fat, the marrow of bones is also fat so that can upset dogs that do not tolerate fat well.

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He is still a bit flat this afternoon, not his usual playing, digging, me me self..

He doesn't have fleas, thankfully.

I stopped giving him marrow bones ages ago but he did have one for his gotcha day - he had about half and I took it off him (it is in the freezer)..

He is sensitive to fats and it does seem to make him vomit if he gets to much, so I make sure he doesn't have it often.

I cut any thick fat off a brisket bone.

He is fed chicken carcasses, roo steaks and mince (human grade) and some beef. He also gets sardines in oil (which seem to be OK for him). He loves eggs but he only gets a whole one each week. His cottage cheese is low fat to.

So I might try to find some other form of bone that he could eat as it may be that the brisket bone had a bit much (they are fatty sometimes).. Any suggestions?

I would assume lamb is out and I know pork is out (we gave him some cold roast pork once and he bought it back up in minutes).

He seems fine on roo, chicken and beef thus far.. He gets mainly roo these days.

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roo tail, Ox tail , Turkey necks?

He has turkey as well (it is just all in the chicken container, so sometimes he gets that instead of chook)..

Where do you get roo tail from?

Doesn't oxtail have a lot of smaller bones?

He would probably try to swallow these if it does..

I have to watch him and make sure he chews it all up - he is pretty good..

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