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Walk This Way


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Just after some opinions on why the change.....

2 days ago, we headed off on our morning walk when my 5 yr old male bullmastiff abruptly dug his heels in and wanted to head in a direction around the neighbourhood that we have never been to.

i sort of found in humourus to follow his lead as he seemed to have a plan on where he was heading... Right and left down certain streets, stayed on certain sides of the road etc etc

He has never done this before and is most of the time a pleasure to walk with.

We do have a variety of routes we walk but never in that area, and he has never been there or escaped from the yard.

The problem is he didnt seem as if he wanted the walk to finish, and i am not sure how to deal with him, as he is usually very obedient, but he wasnt budging and he did it again today??

(and i do carry treats, but even they werent of interest!!)

Any insight would be great

Thanks in advance:-)

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Bitch/es in season?

Yes that was my thought as well, it's spring & a young man's thoughts turn to love. :laugh:

Or following a good smell?

My Jeune has a certain something and even if she goes downstairs to wee, the other dogs will either follow her or sniff her madly when she comes back upstairs.

Maybe another femme fatale has been walking in those streets.

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My boy has done the opposite of this. He got into a routine of always turning left out of the gate. Tried going right, dug his heels in and wouldn't move, kept taking him in a big circle to turn and slowly made it smaller everyday till he went the right direction.

Maybe your boy decided he didn't want to follow routine. Perhaps follow his way for a bit, but then instead of turning around, walk around the block back to the normal route. That is if he will let you lead at all.

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