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Corn On The Cob


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Argh, mild freak out here. Just had a thunderstorm start here so let the dogs in while the girlchild ate dinner/threw dinner everywhere. Just realized I hadn't picked up the corn cobette thingy and doof ate it. I know corn on the cob is a pretty good way to get intestinal blockages and I'm having a bit of a panic. Anyone had the same issue?? It was one of the little frozen ones

NOT having a good day!

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Monitor what goes in (ie appetite) and what comes out (either end) very closely. I would monitor closely for at least 5-7 days.

Any signs of subdued behaviour, inappetance, vomiting, absence of faeces or abdominal pain warrants a vet visit.

They can and do get pooped out, but equally they can and do get stuck and often the clinical signs in the early stages are quite non specific and the dog (or cat) is just 'not right'. If it does cause a foreign body it can be slow moving and be ok, but more often than not they're ok until they actually get stuck and then things can go downhill rapidly.

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:( would he have chewed it?

Chewed up , they can travel thru .. but gulped they may get stuck.

I will add to rappie's info .. they can't be easily picked up in ordinary Xrays ....

I get a panic if I can't account for corn cobbettes or wooden skewers or toothpicks !! They are usually in the bin :o

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Thanks perse and Rappie. I'm so mad at myself. I'm so bloody paranoid about this stuff and I missed it :cry: and he literally ate it in 2 seconds. There was some kernels on the floor so I think he chewed it a bit. God I am so upset with myself. There was so much other food on the floor, why did he go for the corn!?! :cry:

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  On 07/11/2012 at 8:52 AM, persephone said:
There was so much other food on the floor, why did he go for the corn!?!

It's almost irresistible !! maybe cos we usually put butter on it ?

None of that here! Seriously he walked past goddam frittata! Some carnivore..... **rolly eye man**

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  On 07/11/2012 at 8:47 AM, PuddleDuck said:

Thanks perse and Rappie. I'm so mad at myself. I'm so bloody paranoid about this stuff and I missed it :cry: and he literally ate it in 2 seconds. There was some kernels on the floor so I think he chewed it a bit. God I am so upset with myself. There was so much other food on the floor, why did he go for the corn!?! :cry:

Don't be too hard on yourself PD :hug:, they get into things so bloody quick sometimes. At least you know and you can keep an eye on him, I hope it comes out the other end soon :)

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Guest Labradork

Yes, these things happens to everyone. My Lab is always trying to eat all kinds of stuff, and I'm always having to check her mouth.

Edited by Labradork
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Yes I would think so PuddleDuck. In the more chronic cases we generally have a history of not being right over a couple of days so unless it was a sharp foreign body we'd initially expect a slow progression of signs (relatively speaking).

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  On 07/11/2012 at 8:51 AM, PuddleDuck said:

He usually spews up bones a few hours after he eats them. Hopefully he does the same. This is one mess I'll happily clean off the carpet

My girl vomited up an apricot seed after 5 days!! I had been going through her poop the entire time to try and find the darn thing and was getting a touch worried.

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Thanks Rappie, it's pretty easy to pick him going downhill. He ignores toys, we assume he's dying! Usually if he gets a tick, he's off his toys within an hour or so of it attaching.

I never thought I'd say this but glad the sproglet still wakes at night, so I wake up to go check him!

Juma he's usually a quick spewer :laugh: I'm more worried he'll spew it up and the toller, who is an opportunistic seagull, will dart in to scarf it up! Spending a week digging through his poop should at least make me happy not to be vet nursing anymore-I don't miss that bit!

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My dog ate a corn cob - she chomped it into three pieces and swallowed each bit. I didn't really know they were bad or that she would do that or that she would swallow something that was bad for her. Ie I knew about cooked chicken bones but not corn cobs. Anyway - she survived but it did look very uncomfortable coming through the other end pretty much exactly as it had gone in. But not as uncomfortable as the marrow bone splinters - I had to stop feeding raw bones too.

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