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..and RUUUUN !

Bruce the sheep , Possum, and most of BoBo doing the mad afternoon rush :)


Perse what sort of sheep is that?? That's more than a year's growth of wool, surely?

Hamlet is a lovely looking gentleman, very special :heart:

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Bruce is a Border Leicester :) he is huge! We have had him several years .. he was someone's pet ..but totally destroyed the lady of the houses' roses .. and used to charge everyone :( and was due to become dog food :p

So he came here ..where he has Collie Goat for company ..and they head butt each other all day .. and she just LOOOVES polishing her horns in all that wool :)

he is due to be shorn in the next few months .. we always leave a couple inches of wool on him when shorn, too..., because of the goat bunting him...hard!

Hamlet's a funny boy ... :)

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Bruce is a Border Leicester :) he is huge! We have had him several years .. he was someone's pet ..but totally destroyed the lady of the houses' roses .. and used to charge everyone :( and was due to become dog food :p

So he came here ..where he has Collie Goat for company ..and they head butt each other all day .. and she just LOOOVES polishing her horns in all that wool :)

he is due to be shorn in the next few months .. we always leave a couple inches of wool on him when shorn, too..., because of the goat bunting him...hard!

Hamlet's a funny boy ... :)

OMG Persephone - your stories :laugh: When can we expect the book.

I remember when Hamlet was a puppy :eek: Where have all the years gone !!!

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Unfortunately, they aren't archived - they are deleted in the interests of space :cry: . I stuffed up some photos once and I remembered that I'd posted them on DOL, so contacted Troy to see if the thread still existed. Sadly no.

Terribly Off Topic, but do you remember the man who had a litter of Dalmatians and they were named after the King Arthur characters? That must have been around the same time as Hamlet's puppyhood ???

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Bruce is possibly the most awesome name ever for a sheep.

It's heaps better than the boring name he had when he came to live with us ..poor bruce ..he had a rough start ... I was not told of his habit of knocking people over .... until one day, he tried it on me :( Reflexes kicked in ..and I grabbed one ear really hard, twisted, and hung on tight ... yes, it did hurt!

He was careful after that ....I introduced 'Collie' to him, and he very soon learnt what it felt like to be on the receiving end !! :)

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