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Something Very, Very Weird


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Hand write a sign, nice and clear in black texta, and put it where it can be read easily if someone looks through the dog door....

"I'm watching you too....the police are on their way and your image has been recorded. Have a wonderful day"

:laugh: I was just thinking of something similar, but I was going to suggest writing F@#k off loser. I think your suggestion is better.

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I want first go at the horrible, creepy head poking through the doggy door first though SG.

It would be fun to hide your car so he thinks you're out and just quietly sit by the doggy door with baseball bat in hand. When his big ugly head pokes through....... Whumph!!!!! he'll be even uglier. :laugh:


just kidding, I dont condone taking the law into your own hands, it's just fun thinking of scenarios.

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I cant hear any words being spoken, some of you have got much better hearing than me.

YG have you got good neighbours? Can you tell them about it too and get them to ring you and 000 police if they see anyone going onto your property?

Do you have any friends with 2 cars, one they dont use everyday that could be parked in the driveway?

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Hand write a sign, nice and clear in black texta, and put it where it can be read easily if someone looks through the dog door....

"I'm watching you too....the police are on their way and your image has been recorded. Have a wonderful day"

:laugh: I was just thinking of something similar, but I was going to suggest writing F@#k off loser. I think your suggestion is better.

Or answering their question ...

"yes, there is something scary in there..."

And see if that freaks them out!

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How :eek::eek: :eek:

I hope you were able to get some sleep last night. I thought the womans voice at the beginning sounded like it would be quite recognisable. It is quite distinctive. It will be interesting to find out what the police say about it.

It is quite unnerving knowing that someone has been in your personal space, uninvited. Your poor dogs got a huge scare too :(

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I did wonder about an animal getting up on the kitchen bench looking for food however it makes sense what you are thinking YG and the person could have been trying to get the dogs to back off and shut up hence making such an extreme noise and deliberately "growling" to get them to do so.

I also thought that considering you have such unusual dogs and so many you may have inadvertently drawn attention to yourself around where you live and become a curious target. People obviously aren't scared of the little dogs...yep I think you caught someone casing the joint!

Hope you and your brood remain safe :thumbsup:

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Yellowgirl I do hope you got some sleep last night.......and the poor dogs give them an extra gentle hug from me.

Please report it to Police - they need to know that someithing is going on in your area....they may not come out but at least it is recorded.

Local Newspapers also do a Police Report type page and name streets where break ins occure. Yours is only an attempted break in BUT it should be noted as such.

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I just looked on ebay for fake video cameras and there are quite a few


I would like to buy a couple for you Yellowgirl....they look pretty real to my untrained eye and would be easy enough to install a couple in very obvious locations.

Please take care of yourself and your little dogs.

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