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Supreme Champion Qualifications


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I'm a little confused about what is needed to become a Supreme Champion. Now I know you need 1000 points, 3 Best In Shows under different judges, and 10 best in groups. But does a best in show at a Specialty (one breed) count. I've been told it counts for a best in group. Is that correct. Some people say no some say yes. What about a best in show say at a gundog show or a working dog show. Its very confusing. Look forward to your replies.

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It was resolved to introduce a new conformation title 'Supreme Champion'. The requirements to attain

this new title by using the points system as approved by ANKC Ltd at the time will be 1,000 points,

Including 3 All Breeds Best in Shows;

or 10 Best in Group/Specialty Best in Shows.

Either 3 different Best in Show Judges or 10 different Best in Group/Specialty judges must be submitted,

there can be no repeated judges.

The implementation date of the new Supreme Champion title will be 1 July 2012.

For the Supreme Champion some of the points towards the title (1 Challenge Certificate)must be awarded after the implementation date of 1/7/12.

Edited by SwaY
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This is from the NSW website apparently so what does the second last line mean ie a semi-group show.

New Title - Supreme Champion

The Supreme Champion title is in effect as from 1 July 2012. The following procedure is required by the office in order to verify the award;

Member completes the Supreme Champion application for a dog that has already been awarded a Grand Champion title

The member must provide the following details on the application:

the 3 All Breeds Best in Shows; or 10 Best in Group/Specialty Best in Show and the details of those 3 different Best in Show Judges or 10 different Best in Group/Specialty judges that made the awards

a Challenge Certificate awarded to the dog in question after 1 July 2012

The above awards will then need to be verified by the office from our Show Results.

However if the member has been presented with an “Award Card” clearly indicating any of the above BIS or BIG wins, they could either submit a copy or present the cards at the office, which will effectively reduce the time required for the staff to verify the details.

Please note that a Best In Show at a Semi-Group Show does not qualify as a BIG for the title of Supreme Champion.

IMPORTANT: The Challenge Certificate mentioned above MUST have been awarded at a show held AFTER 1 July 2012.

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I would assume something like a gundog spaniels show or gundog retrievers show where only part of breeds in the group are able to be shown.

This is from the NSW website apparently so what does the second last line mean ie a semi-group show.

New Title - Supreme Champion

The Supreme Champion title is in effect as from 1 July 2012. The following procedure is required by the office in order to verify the award;

Member completes the Supreme Champion application for a dog that has already been awarded a Grand Champion title

The member must provide the following details on the application:

the 3 All Breeds Best in Shows; or 10 Best in Group/Specialty Best in Show and the details of those 3 different Best in Show Judges or 10 different Best in Group/Specialty judges that made the awards

a Challenge Certificate awarded to the dog in question after 1 July 2012

The above awards will then need to be verified by the office from our Show Results.

However if the member has been presented with an "Award Card" clearly indicating any of the above BIS or BIG wins, they could either submit a copy or present the cards at the office, which will effectively reduce the time required for the staff to verify the details.

Please note that a Best In Show at a Semi-Group Show does not qualify as a BIG for the title of Supreme Champion.

IMPORTANT: The Challenge Certificate mentioned above MUST have been awarded at a show held AFTER 1 July 2012.

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