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Manuka Honey And Kennel Cough


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I've been reading some old threads on Kennel Cough 'cos I have three sick westies here... Two with Kennel Cough and the littlest Westie with a badly upset tum of unknown origin (not pancreatitis thank goodness). It appears all of these probs have likely come from a large dog gathering last Sunday... But that's another story... Vet said to quarantine and the cough would last around a fortnight.

Anyway I did a DOL search. I was looking at the thread where Erny recommended Manuka Honey for kennel cough for Ellz and Staffyluv. Sceptical me thinks 'yeah right' but as I had some 20+ Manuka Honey in the cupboard I thought its worth a go. So I gave each of them a teaspoon at bedtime last night and woohoo! We all had a relatively quiet night - particularly when compared with the noisy night on Tuesday night. I then gave them another teaspoon each before I went to work this morning. Got home tonight and they all genuinely seem close to back to normal. Only one little cough from Sarah tonight yet 24 hours ago she sounded like she had whooping cough. And Mac hasn't coughed at all tonight (although he seemed to have a milder dose of it to start with).

Is it possible that its the honey that's turned this around? It's only day three since the cough symptoms onset yet the vet said it would most likely continue for a fortnight?

Anyway obviously I can't be sure but it seems the honey has really helped. :thumbsup:

Legend Erny strikes again! :thumbsup:

Others experiences?

Edited by westiemum
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Oh yay! Glad you found it worked well for you. WM - it can be a combo of mild dose of CC plus the attributes of AMH but I too have found that the life-time of the cough with my boy (on the two occasions he contracted it) was very short-lived with its use. Would the cough have gone on longer without it? Don't know. But I do tend to find that when my boy was having a coughing bout, the dosing of honey very quickly soothed it, so even that is a great thing on its own, I think :). I keep AMH in the pantry for whatever use I find for it. Along side the Calendula Tea :D :swing: .

Glad your Westies got through the CC suitably efficiently : :thumbsup:

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Yep it's getting to the point there is an 'Erny shelf' in the pantry! The westies thank you from the bottom of their paws Erny!

Thanks for posting kayla and Bjelkier :) Good to hear others reporting the same thing and that I'm not imagining it! :)

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I swear by Manuka honey, both the actual honey internally and the dressing for infections, cuts. eaq" oops - young Dustmite the ex foster just helped type - it wrks so well. Had a bitch with a bad spider bite that got infected and turned to staph. It spread to her face from licking. Antibiotics did nothing, so I both put the wound dressing on the infections and gave her Manuka honey twice a day. SHe was CURED within the week!

One youngster had kennel cough so I put him on Manuka honey immediately, plus Bisolvon cough tablets. 3 days later, only the very rare cough when he belted around chasing his mum. He came good so quickly that I didn't even need a vet visit :)

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I swear by Manuka honey, both the actual honey internally and the dressing for infections, cuts. eaq" oops - young Dustmite the ex foster just helped type - it wrks so well. Had a bitch with a bad spider bite that got infected and turned to staph. It spread to her face from licking. Antibiotics did nothing, so I both put the wound dressing on the infections and gave her Manuka honey twice a day. SHe was CURED within the week!

One youngster had kennel cough so I put him on Manuka honey immediately, plus Bisolvon cough tablets. 3 days later, only the very rare cough when he belted around chasing his mum. He came good so quickly that I didn't even need a vet visit :)

Temperament first, when you say the wound dressing is that something you make up yourself or something you buy? Apologies if its a dumb question but genuinely interested...

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The one I get is produced locally so I buy it from the local market. Otherwise the health food shop. The ones I've seen in the supermarket have a much lower UMF, 10+ compared to the 30+ one that I get.

Yep same kayla. Had a quick look in Woolies on my way home just now and they only had 8+. So will come home via the health food shop tomorrow.

Edited by westiemum
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I have a dog with a broken dew claw, it has been infected and he keeps licking the area making it really irritated...do you think manuka honey would help it? (obviously under a bandage)

I'd say yes. I used honey on sanitary pads on a horse which degloved its leg in a fence accident with very good results.

PS. Westiemum, I may have commented in a kennel cough thread but Erny wouldn't have been specifically telling me anything new about the benefits of honey as I've been using it for a very long time.

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I have a dog with a broken dew claw, it has been infected and he keeps licking the area making it really irritated...do you think manuka honey would help it? (obviously under a bandage)

I'd say yes. I used honey on sanitary pads on a horse which degloved its leg in a fence accident with very good results.

PS. Westiemum, I may have commented in a kennel cough thread but Erny wouldn't have been specifically telling me anything new about the benefits of honey as I've been using it for a very long time.

Ellz I'm not sure why but you seem to have taken offence where none was intended. :confused: Who told who and who knew before who isn't the point of my discussion which was simply about sharing my experience and asking others about theirs. And maybe helping someone else?

Edited by westiemum
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I have a dog with a broken dew claw, it has been infected and he keeps licking the area making it really irritated...do you think manuka honey would help it? (obviously under a bandage)

I'd say yes. I used honey on sanitary pads on a horse which degloved its leg in a fence accident with very good results.

PS. Westiemum, I may have commented in a kennel cough thread but Erny wouldn't have been specifically telling me anything new about the benefits of honey as I've been using it for a very long time.

Ellz I'm not sure why but you seem to have taken offence where none was intended. :confused: Who told who and who knew before who isn't the point of my discussion which was simply about sharing my experience and asking others about theirs. And maybe helping someone else?

My name was mentioned and I was merely correcting you.

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I have a dog with a broken dew claw, it has been infected and he keeps licking the area making it really irritated...do you think manuka honey would help it? (obviously under a bandage)

I'd say yes. I used honey on sanitary pads on a horse which degloved its leg in a fence accident with very good results.

PS. Westiemum, I may have commented in a kennel cough thread but Erny wouldn't have been specifically telling me anything new about the benefits of honey as I've been using it for a very long time.

Ellz I'm not sure why but you seem to have taken offence where none was intended. :confused: Who told who and who knew before who isn't the point of my discussion which was simply about sharing my experience and asking others about theirs. And maybe helping someone else?

My name was mentioned and I was merely correcting you.

Actually you weren't 'merely correcting' me if you re-read your comment. For some reason you felt the need to point out some sense of superiority in relation to Erny which in the context I think was unnecessary. Unless you have some problem with Erny - and if that's the case then I suggest that you take it up with her. Happy to agree to disagree. I won't be responding any further.

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No wonder it hasn't helped my constant cough, I've been using it in my coffee but at only 5+. Will have to suss out the 30+.

Luvsdogs I admit I'm sold on it, just don't die at the price - I think it's worth every cent and certainly cheaper than vet bills.

I've just bought some more online after ringing around locally. Much cheaper to buy online (I ordered from Green Health in NZ but I'm sure there are other good suppliers too) :)

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