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Vegan Pets?

Ruin Maniac

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That's the stupidest thing that anyone can do to their pets. And I've met people like that too, unfortunately there is often no reasoning with them. Technically a dog could survive on a vegan diet, but it sure as hell won't be healthy.

Cats fed a vegan or vegetarian diet will die. There is no way around It. Unlike dogs they need that extra essential amino Taurine only found in red meat (or redbull :) ). It's called an ESSENTIAL amino acid or a reason. Argh these people frustrate me!!

:rofl: that's got to be the funniest thing I've heard all day. Maybe all week.

Have you not heard of seaweed?

Even in seaweed the levels are quite low and would be inadequate as a form of supplementation:

(though yes, they are found in more than red meat, and until reading this study I was not aware of how high the concentrations were in marine animals - learn something new every day!)

"Taurine concentrations in animal feed ingredients"


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I didn't think anyone would try to feed a cat seaweed. Hmm wonder how you would do that? Cats are quite picky. I don't they would find seaweed mixed with veggies very appetising.

I just don't understand why anyone thinks that leading a 'cruelty free' life means voiding animals from eating as close to a natural diet as possible.

Be a vegan all you want but why impose it on an animal that is a carnivore? At least cats will most likely still be able to find some mice and eat that. There is hope for them still.

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I didn't think anyone would try to feed a cat seaweed. Hmm wonder how you would do that? Cats are quite picky. I don't they would find seaweed mixed with veggies very appetising.

I just don't understand why anyone thinks that leading a 'cruelty free' life means voiding animals from eating as close to a natural diet as possible.

Be a vegan all you want but why impose it on an animal that is a carnivore? At least cats will most likely still be able to find some mice and eat that. There is hope for them still.

You buy kelp powder & mix it with their food.

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I didn't think anyone would try to feed a cat seaweed. Hmm wonder how you would do that? Cats are quite picky. I don't they would find seaweed mixed with veggies very appetising.

I just don't understand why anyone thinks that leading a 'cruelty free' life means voiding animals from eating as close to a natural diet as possible.

Be a vegan all you want but why impose it on an animal that is a carnivore? At least cats will most likely still be able to find some mice and eat that. There is hope for them still.

That wasn't your original post - your original post said another source apart from meat didn't exist. I merely stated another source does exist.

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And the rest of the food you are giving them? Please enlighten me on how you would get a cat who can not digest plants to survive on only plants. With studies please. surely it's not all powders

No idea, I'm not a cat person and have never owned one. Perhaps if you're interested you could do some research :)

You asked taurine, I answered taurine.

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If dogs wanted to be vegan then I suppose the problem we would be having with wild dogs and domestic roaming dogs wouldn't be that they kill the farmers sheep, but rather they were competing with the sheep for the grass. :laugh:


IMG_9392dpptc by kirislin, on Flickr

lol Kirislin, those photos look like something Boston, my pug would love to join. He rips up the long grass and munches on it. His nickname is Farmer Joe because he always has the really long bits hanging out the side of his mouth, like a stalk of wheat or something :rofl:

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If dogs wanted to be vegan then I suppose the problem we would be having with wild dogs and domestic roaming dogs wouldn't be that they kill the farmers sheep, but rather they were competing with the sheep for the grass. :laugh:

IMG_9392dpptc by kirislin, on Flickr

lol Kirislin, those photos look like something Boston, my pug would love to join. He rips up the long grass and munches on it. His nickname is Farmer Joe because he always has the really long bits hanging out the side of his mouth, like a stalk of wheat or something :rofl:

Mosley does that too....then he gags on it *rolleyes*

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lol Kirislin, those photos look like something Boston, my pug would love to join. He rips up the long grass and munches on it. His nickname is Farmer Joe because he always has the really long bits hanging out the side of his mouth, like a stalk of wheat or something :rofl:

to tell the truth, I think they were eating duck poo :laugh:

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lol Kirislin, those photos look like something Boston, my pug would love to join. He rips up the long grass and munches on it. His nickname is Farmer Joe because he always has the really long bits hanging out the side of his mouth, like a stalk of wheat or something :rofl:

to tell the truth, I think they were eating duck poo :laugh:

nom nom nom :laugh:

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lol Kirislin, those photos look like something Boston, my pug would love to join. He rips up the long grass and munches on it. His nickname is Farmer Joe because he always has the really long bits hanging out the side of his mouth, like a stalk of wheat or something :rofl:

to tell the truth, I think they were eating duck poo :laugh:

Pffft, don't ruin a good story with the truth :p

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No-one has said cats should be fed vegan food (unless I missed it)???

Only that dogs can, so not sure why you're asking these questions?

Exactly! I don't think anyone's actually said that dogs or cats should be, or are being fed a vegan diet, unless it's for a specific health reason.

People are just responding to various "well what about THIS", or "how would you deal with THIS" etc - nobody's actaully advocating or defending a vegan diet for pets!

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Because I'm trying to make the point that you can't change an animals digestive system. So why would you feed them something that either they can't digest or takes too much energy to digest efficiently. A herbivores digestive system is amazingly complicated and for good reason.

I hope my grammars been ok I'm on my iPhone.

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Guest Labradork

And the rest of the food you are giving them? Please enlighten me on how you would get a cat who can not digest plants to survive on only plants. With studies please. surely it's not all powders

I'm not sure about cats, but dogs are fed a diet of Whey protein powder, high protein vegetables and supplements. Do a search on here and you will see. Or perhaps, if you are genuinely interested, you could PM some of the people on here who own/have owned dogs who can't tolerate meat protein.

And, if you really want, I could ask my Naturopath (who has over 40 years' experience with people and animals) the question you have about alternative sources of protein. She specialises in allergies and anti-aging, and she has a particular interest in high protein/low carb diets. She is one of Australia's leading Naturopaths. But I don't want to waste her time if you are just arguing for the sake of it.

I think there are quite a few Holistic Vets on here, too. Also, Nekhbet might be an interesting person to talk to.

Just because you have never heard of something, it doesn't mean it's impossible, untrue or doesn't exist :)

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And the rest of the food you are giving them? Please enlighten me on how you would get a cat who can not digest plants to survive on only plants. With studies please. surely it's not all powders

I'm not sure about cats, but dogs are fed a diet of Whey protein powder, high protein vegetables and supplements. Do a search on here and you will see. Or perhaps, if you are genuinely interested, you could PM some of the people on here who own/have owned dogs who can't tolerate meat protein.

And, if you really want, I could ask my Naturopath (who has over 40 years' experience with people and animals) the question you have about vegetable sources of protein. She specialises in allergies and anti-aging, and she has a particular interest in high protein/low carb diets. She is one Australia's leading Naturopaths. But I don't want to waste her time if you are just arguing for the sake of it.

I think there are quite a few Holistic Vets on here, too. Also, Nekhbet might be an interesting person to talk to.

Just because you have never heard of something, it doesn't mean it's impossible, untrue or doesn't exist :)

Whey is animal protein

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