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Sammy The Anti-gardener And His Big Weekend


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PS, a rubbish bottle is just a small trigger bottle filled with water. When one of the dogs is doing something naughty, you say "rubbish", and squirt a small amount of water at them. It's more to just get their attention off whatever they are doing that you don't want them to do, and eventually they just learn that the word "rubbish" means "stop what you are doing, it's naughty"...


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Great photos he is very he must be the most photographed puppy ever lol. Obviously he has decided that he doesn't need to be disciplined withthe rubish bottle - he is just perfect lol :rofl:

Edited by Tapua
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I think you may be onto something there Tapua... he's as close to perfect as I've ever met... *grin*

I wonder if Katdogs can remember back to when Stevie was teething... 'cos that will be coming up in a few weeks with Master Sammy... aarrgghh!

Once Sammy has had all his shots and is more even in weight with Harper (who was 16.1kgs last weekend), we'll have to get them together for a playdate... and take LOTS of photos!

Mind you, one of Harper's fave playmates is a small scruffy terrier girl who weighs around 3kgs, and Harper hasn't broken her yet... hehe!


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I think you may be onto something there Tapua... he's as close to perfect as I've ever met... *grin*

I wonder if Katdogs can remember back to when Stevie was teething... 'cos that will be coming up in a few weeks with Master Sammy... aarrgghh!

Once Sammy has had all his shots and is more even in weight with Harper (who was 16.1kgs last weekend), we'll have to get them together for a playdate... and take LOTS of photos!

Mind you, one of Harper's fave playmates is a small scruffy terrier girl who weighs around 3kgs, and Harper hasn't broken her yet... hehe!


yes when he is teething he will go from perfect to spawn of satan lol. :angeldevil: Poor babies have a horrible time sometimes with teeth coming down their gums swell and they are chewing and dribbling and generally not happy - but it will pass :)

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PS, a rubbish bottle is just a small trigger bottle filled with water. When one of the dogs is doing something naughty, you say "rubbish", and squirt a small amount of water at them. It's more to just get their attention off whatever they are doing that you don't want them to do, and eventually they just learn that the word "rubbish" means "stop what you are doing, it's naughty"...


Ah we call them squirty bottle but say nothing - just squirt them and they look around wondering where the hell it came from. We have a squirty bottle in most rooms of this house.

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The theory is 'rubbish' has a nice growly sound to it and is a good word to practice deepening your voice.

Sammy hasn't needed it yet but it may not be long. He has to have something in his mouth every second he's not snoring - preferably a toy, or Stevie's ears, but shoes and furniture are next favourite. He likes to run his teeth over everything gently, then if it feels good he'll give it a good crunch!

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The theory is 'rubbish' has a nice growly sound to it and is a good word to practice deepening your voice.

Sammy hasn't needed it yet but it may not be long. He has to have something in his mouth every second he's not snoring - preferably a toy, or Stevie's ears, but shoes and furniture are next favourite. He likes to run his teeth over everything gently, then if it feels good he'll give it a good crunch!

Sounds like a typical lab pup :laugh: and the ones that have to have something in their mouth constantly make the best retrievers. My last two lab boy pups had/have very strong retrieving instincts and their most favourite place to retrieve is in the water and they would have/will retrieve from the water till the cows come home, never missing a retrieve. I tired out before well before they did :laugh: . These two boys always had to have a toy or some object in their mouth as pups/youngsters and for my previous boy right throughout his life and I fostered their retrieving instincts from the day I brought them home. I try to take my youngster to the river as often as possible (we went again this morning) as he is probably my best all round totally reliable retriever, not only retrieves the object every single time, but brings it back to me every single time and has done since a pup. I play retrieving games with him everyday.

Yes Lab pups do have gorgeous bums. Some of my favourite pics are shots from behind :laugh:

Love the pics of your gorgeous boy and your breeder has done a great job breeding and raising a confident, outgoing, fearless pup :thumbsup: Looking forward to more pics and stories of this adorable little guy. :)

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Sadly Sammy is not a retriever just a greedy thief. He just wants to take things away to chew up, and if we call him back he just leaves whatever it is and comes looking for more excitement.

I've been really sick and the weather has been so hot that poor Sam isn't getting the training or attention he needs, but he's had his vacc now and I'm keen to get him out for one-on-one attention.

Today's trick was to find his way into a big new bag of Canidae while I took Stevie for a short walk. I'm still a bit zonked and didn't even think about the food in the kitchen. My girls wouldn't dream of stealing it! Of course all the vets were shut but Dr Tracey helped rescue us in my panic. We've restricted his water and not given him any dinner (much to his vocal displeasure) and he's going to be extremely upset when he doesn't get breakfast either!

He's soaking up new learning at the moment so I hope I can do this pup justice now. He's so smart and fearless!

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Master Sammy certainly is a piglet in a puppy suit... and he was very happy about having his "snack bag" taken away... NOT!

The funny thing about puppies is that they can eat a fair bit, and a few hours later you don't know where it's gone... they seem to absorb it really quickly. I bet he slept quite well last night with his full tummy though... lol!

If he seems fine this morning, you might want to give him a small breakfast, if only to stop him going nuts when the girls have theirs. The poo patrol this morning should also see a big one from the little guy... hopefully not too sloppy... *grin*


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Sammy met Harper and it's LOVE!

Rough love, but they seemed to enjoy themselves :)

He also met a 10yo 'boxer cross' (maybe Springer x Greyhound?) boy and treated him with proper respect.

Please excuse the commentary. Three crazy dog ladies...

We went for our first proper walk the other evening around the corner and Sammy has been introduced to a nice (non-Lab) show steward/judge. She was just in the mood for Lab puppy cuddles! She admired his lovely strong and straight front legs, back line and back legs :) He has a beautiful gait. She picked a few faults for showing but that's not why we have him, she's fallen in love with his temperament as well! She couldn't believe he'd never seen buses or trucks by the way he just sat and watched the traffic!

Edited by Katdogs
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