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Found - Little Foxy Type Dog, Wiley Park Nsw


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Why do they always turn up after pound hours?

Male, desexed, middle to older aged young, black markings on white, has been under a set of units for a few days with kids poking him and throwing things, finally emerged for a woman walking her dogs past but then she didn't know what to do. No collar. She drove around for a couple of hours then ended up at the pet food shop at the same time as my husband, who has brought him home.

He met our dogs happily but now has retreated into a dark corner and doesn't want to eat or drink. I think he's here for the night then OH can take him to the pound in the morning.

If anyone in the Wiley Park area has seen a poster, please let me know!

Edited to update first post to say he's much younger than first thought, and only acts scared for a short while then wants to play!

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I don't know if it's the same where you are, but even if the pound is closed, a ranger can still come "after hours" and collect lost dogs, so it might be worth giving them a call.

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One of our local vet practices was open so he's been scanned - has a chip but the 'petfinder' company the vet deals with said there was only a disconnected number. We'll take him to Canterbury Pound tomorrow.

He's 5.3kg, white with black ears and spot on his rump, may be a lot younger than the bit of grey flecking in his muzzle indicates. His teeth are pretty good and even with all this stress he's determined to do a bit of zooming and play with Jodie. So far he's very quiet, hasn't uttered a peep. Loves car rides and is nice and light on lead. Definitely house-trained, he'd been hanging on for hours and was so excited to be on grass and his first wee took AGES, poor sod! Didn't react to our cat either, thankfully, though he might chase if she was the sort to run. He's difficult to take close-up photos of because he likes kissing

Canterbury Pound works very well with rescue and the little ones don't usually have any problems.



ETA no after-hours stuff seems to happen around here :(

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Worst case scenario is that if you call the local police, they will send around a paddy wagon to take him to the night pens at the RSPCA... they did for me when the lovely Husky turned up on my doorstep at 5am one morning and I couldn't keep him here until the pound opened.


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His little front teeth are perfect, and only a bit of brown on his back teeth. He also wanted to play after just half an hour's rest when I thought he'd crashed for hours. So I think he's younger than his muzzle colour implies.

He just completely ignored the cat when she tried to reclaim OH's lap! Good boy!

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I hope they are too. He's such a sweetie. He's pretty sure my husband's lap is where he needs to watch tv. Our cat is disgusted, he smells a lot like a dog


Good on you Kat. I hope his owners are found.

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I hope they are too. He's such a sweetie. He's pretty sure my husband's lap is where he needs to watch tv. Our cat is disgusted, he smells a lot like a dog


Good on you Kat. I hope his owners are found.


Good on you for helping this little guy........I have a similiar looking dog who is the fun police for my Pointers.......she just turned 4 and is greying out now too.......your better than me though, I know it's illegal but I'd keep him but advertise him in the local paper first as a found dog. I couldn't stand the thought of what might happen to him in a pound.

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I hope they are too. He's such a sweetie. He's pretty sure my husband's lap is where he needs to watch tv. Our cat is disgusted, he smells a lot like a dog


Good on you Kat. I hope his owners are found.


Good on you for helping this little guy........I have a similiar looking dog who is the fun police for my Pointers.......she just turned 4 and is greying out now too.......your better than me though, I know it's illegal but I'd keep him but advertise him in the local paper first as a found dog. I couldn't stand the thought of what might happen to him in a pound.

That is an awful thing to do. He seems like a much loved dog and he and his owners deserve to be given the best opportunity to be reunited with hims. If he is not reclaimed at the pound he can then be legally adopted.

What if it was your dog that went missing?

Katdog good on you :thumbsup: hopefully his owners can be found when he goes to the pound :)

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He'll be ok at Canterbury. They try very hard to contact chipped owners and if that's not successful I know that Monika's or maybe CPR or one of the other littlie rescues work with Canterbury. He's already desexed.

He has a bit of scabbing under his front legs, I'm wondering if he might have escaped from a harness.

He came out of his crate this morning with a big stretch, toileted beautifully, did some mad zoomies with Jodie, and tucked back in with a chicken wing. He's a picky delicate eater, Stevie can't believe he can take so long to think about eating! He only started on his dinner last night when he thought Jodie might want it. He can get a good snarl up when he thinks another dog might take his food, but I'm feeding him in the crate. I was supposed to have an 8.30am meeting so couldn't get in late to work, so he's off to the pound tonight.

Hubby started calling him Tyson last night and the little bloke responded to it! He loves men more than women.

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Lots of people know nothing about pounds, and don't know that they should call if they lose a dog. Working in vet clinics and shelters for years, the number of people who didn't even know of pounds existence was astounding. People would phone the vets to report a dog missing, and when advised to call around the pounds too, a lot had no idea what we were talking about. It makes me wonder how many loved dogs have gone unclaimed from pounds simply because their owners had no idea they needed to go and look.

I'm not suggesting for a second that the little dude shouldn't go to the pond, it's the right and proper place for a lost or found dog to go, but there needs to be a lot more community education about what to do either if you find or lose a dog I think.

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Lots of people know nothing about pounds, and don't know that they should call if they lose a dog. Working in vet clinics and shelters for years, the number of people who didn't even know of pounds existence was astounding. People would phone the vets to report a dog missing, and when advised to call around the pounds too, a lot had no idea what we were talking about. It makes me wonder how many loved dogs have gone unclaimed from pounds simply because their owners had no idea they needed to go and look.

I'm not suggesting for a second that the little dude shouldn't go to the pond, it's the right and proper place for a lost or found dog to go, but there needs to be a lot more community education about what to do either if you find or lose a dog I think.

It's hard for those of us who have worked in vets, pounds and with rescue to imagine this, but Willow is right. Katdogs, I'd be inclined to put up a few posters around the neighbourhood as well.

Some people have pretty healthy dogs who go to the vet once a year for annual vax, so they don't get to hear about much in the doggy world.

Your little guy sounds perfect. A suggestion: if he isn't claimed, why don't you contact PAWS and say you'll foster him? They'll take him on if they have a ready made foster carer.

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He came from a few suburbs over, so posters will be very difficult. Last time I put up posters around us, the Council took them down again the next day.

Cynthia he's at risk of being a FF with us, my husband's pretty impressed with him! I highly recommend this boy to the rescue groups though. I'm also concerned our fences wouldn't keep him in, he's so small (which is why he's crated today).

I agree about the amount of misinformation and confusion in the general public. A few years ago I put together a flyer 'what to do if you find a pet/what to do if you lose a pet' and printed out heaps for the local vets (and pound). I've also run a stall for three years at a local fair, pushing this line. I just wish the Councils would be more friendly and proactive about the issue. After Tuesday ($70 million on Ozlotto :D ) I'll have lots more time and resources to devote to this issue!

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After Tuesday ($70 million on Ozlotto :D ) I'll have lots more time and resources to devote to this issue!

Oooooooooh - just remember I will be your BESTEST FRIEND. :laugh: :laugh:

OT - are you doing your stall this year?

I was hoping to but have had no time, between job changes and uni study.

I'd like to do something at the Lugarno Lions Spring Fair next year but might need a ratepayer to write the letter to Council to see if we can get a scanner and ranger like that really successful year we had at Riverwood! I've still got my boxes of kit ready to set up!

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