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They Played Together!


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For the 1st time in the full year we have had them, yesterday evening I saw our 2 Jack Russells play together, or what I think was playing.

We were in the garden and I was playing with Ares throwing his ball. Apollo was next to me, looking at me, like asking if I have something for him. He does not play, the only thing he is interested in is food. I have been working with him to try and get him interested in some toys. If I have treats in one hand he sniffs, paws and now even mouths the toy to get a treat. But without treats around, not interested. Well I did try to get him a bit excited and start running, stopping and running again. He followed me with great emthousiasm and the Ares came and joined the fun and they just started to chase each other around the garden. Stopping, bouncing and running as quick as they could, jumping bushes. I had never seen them like that. At first I was a bit worried as when they start to get excited usually they start fighting. But although Ares was growling a bit, he had his ball in his nouth all the way and it did seem playfull, bouncing around Apollo and chasing. Apollo did not show the teeth to stop Ares, and they just looked like they were having fun! That was good to see.

I am trying very hard to get Apollo to play a bit, without upsetting Ares. He is now mouthing a Tug and holding and slightly pulling it for a second or two to get his treats. I also have a treat ball that he loves pushing around sniffing the ground to make sure he does not miss any of the treats that magically appear.

Seeing there is the CleanRun free shipping at the moment, would anyone have any idea of toys that I could order to try and teach an old (8 yo) Jack Russell to play? He looks like he has never play before. He is scared of any bouncing balls or squeak. I think his brother (Ares) never let him play when they were younger. But he is very food motivated. He would do anything for a kibble! I take it very slowly but he does not seem to see the point of a toy if there is no food around.:(

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I can't help you with ideas or ideas for toys, just wanted to say good on you for wanting the best for your dogs.

I have a couple who don't play and, while it has worried me from time to time, I just let them be.

One of my dogs plays with herself :D in that every so often she starts to bark and then proceeds to run madly around the yard or through the house. It is sooooo funny. I join in to try to keep it going for as long as possible.

Love their names. My first dogs were Nammu (Sumerian creation goddess although he was a he :) ) and Calypso - from the Odyssey.

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