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The Training Bond

Simply Grand

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So I'm putting this thread in General rather than Training as I thought it might be interesting for new dog owners or people having problems...

As I've said on here before, Saxon, 3 yo Poodle x, is my first ever dog. He came to me very young (6.5 wks old) and was very bonded from day 1, but fortunately we got into Obedience training, we got through the levels to prep for trialling stage, and it was through the obedience that we really learnt to read each other, communicate, and I learnt how he learns best and both of our strengths and weaknesses.

With the younger 2, Riley and Quinn, training has been hit and miss until now. We are still closely bonded but just being back in formal training with all three, in a positive, fun environment has been so great!!

All my dogs are young and I'm still learning about dogs in general but I gotta say, if you have the chance to do some sort of training/sport with your dog, it's pretty worth it *thumbs up dude*

FYI - Quinn and Riley are going through the Companion Dog levels in prep for obedience trialling, Riley has also just started Flyball and Saxon is starting Rally O, all with me obviously :)

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Just to add more to why I find the training bond so rewarding - from a baby puppy we have a bond, and in day to day situations I'm confident that my pups are conditioned to listen to me.

In training though, both they and I are learning new things every session so I need to figure out how they learn in order to work with them effectively.

So glad to be back at training with all three :)

Edited by Simply Grand
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I agree. the bond I have with Waldo is like that.

Last week he did not want to work in the practise ring at all. I knew womething was not quite right. I had done all the same things but...I knew. Others just said nah you can't tell. After class he did this massive poo (I mean Great Dane size rather than mini-schnauzer) and he was ready to work! After class he was ready! I can just read him and his body language.

What I find interesting (or frustrating) is his reaction to different exercises. He does not enjoy SFE but is willing to go theough the process. However he is totally passive about learning the dumbbell and is not eager to hold it. No idea why. I wonder if it is because I know him so well I approach this exercise with concern and he reads me.

Thanks for the post. I agree-do something with your dog even if it is informal or not for competition.

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