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Catching Up With Previous Foster Dogs

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At the Peiradise Peinic yesterday I got to see Oscar de la Wrinkles and his family and Domino (now Bruno Mars) with his mum and dad. It was a bit iffy with Bruno at first and we were worried about letting him off the leash (he was hyper excited) but Ams made the brave decision to see what happens and he simply spent the rest of the afternoon running around having a ball! No barking or in other dogs faces or anxiety! I was so proud of him!

As for Oscar, well he is looking wonderful and he loves the son and the dad showers with him when he needs his malaseb baths and the dad, who seemed the least smitten with this wonderful boy at the time of adoption, privately told me that I am welcome to pop in any time because they consider me part of Oscar's life and they understand now that I love him as they do because he truly needed special people in his life to come as far as he has. It made me all teary.

And Dimples surprised me by doing all the agility equipment at the park without batting an eyelid! She spent her time running around amongst so many bigger dogs, saying hello to people she remembered and generally being a very social young girl.

So I came home with my heart full of happiness.

It must be the same for Ams as she has rescued pretty much every dog that goes to these events.

Do many of you get these same opportunities to see the dogs you have rescued or fostered being everything they can be in their forever homes? It makes every minute of lost sleep and every inch of chewed furniture worth it!

Here's a pic of Dimples in her Halloween hat taken yesterdday - she has the legs of a supermodel now but is yet to master facial poses!


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I see some of mine quite regularly and get emails from other owners from time to time. But considering the amount that I have fostered over the last 10 years, it is only a small percentage really.

Some of my friends have adopted my former foster dogs so in that way I'm lucky.

Recently I did get told the sad news by two families of 2 of my former foster dogs passing away, it's very sad, especially as one of them was reasonably young at 9 yrs old.

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That's the best best story, Puppy_Sniffer. It also shows that having someone not only very experienced but also deeply in love with a breed can work wonders for the dogs. I see so many people who just don't seem to have a clue about what dogs really want, dragging them away from other dogs, etc etc. Great work by Ams and you.

Loved the bit about the man showering with Oscar - LOL - he will have great skin too :eek: .

I regularly hear from three people who adopted dogs from me those dogs being Caramel, Kisho (owner now on DOL as HarperLee) and Nilla.

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Lovely updates to read, PS. I specially love the dad who seemed the least smitten at first, who now is Oscar's 'bestest'. :) Amazing how often that happens!

Friends adopted a Siamese cat, Penny... well, the wife did, husband's position was 'I don't really like cats!' But who was it, within a few months was looking out the back deck at night calling, 'Penny, darling, come to bed!' Wife had to tell him maybe he could phrase it a little differently... for the neighbourhood's sake. :)

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We get quite a lot of updates from people, both from email and via our Facebook page. It's particularly fun when we get to see our puppies when they grow up.

We have a really lovely experience this weekend. One of our puppies (now all grown up) was surrendered back to us for chasing stock. One of our Facebook friends is someone who adopted one of the other puppies in the litter and they were thinking about a second dog.

So they brought Milly out to meet Marnie. I swear Marnie knew her sister the minute she set eyes on her, she's really dog social anyway, but she was so super excited to see Milly.

After a couple of minutes of reintroduction they played themselves to a standstill. So Marnie went off to live with her sister and they're both having a wonderful time.

They're almost identical, except Marnie is a bit hairer. They have very similar temperaments too. As a litter they got on really well together and they've all grown up to be really social with other dogs.


I love the look on Marnie's face in this one. They just flopped down all tangled together.


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............. 'Penny, darling, come to bed!' Wife had to tell him maybe he could phrase it a little differently... for the neighbourhood's sake. :)

A very understanding wife - great story :laugh: :laugh:

Gosh, Aphra, that is fabulous. Just look at those two having fun - brings a little tear, a happy one of course.

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Cyn the wierd thing for me is I had never even seen a shar pei in RL before I started fostering them in about March this year but have learnt so much about them from just being around them and kind of listening and watching. Plus I have Ams on speed dial! They are such a unique dog, I just want the best for every single one of them.

At a pet expo recently Ams was sitting on the ground and one of her previous rescues (a pup that originally had hernias and shar pei fever), now several months older and with her adopted family came running to Ams wriggling every inch of her body in excitement at seeing her again. She also gets to see lots of her previous rescues at the Peinics but that one was a real surprise for her as that pup was always rather cruisy and would go to anyone, but she recognised Ams that day as someone special still and it was beautiful to watch!

Aphra that is magic about Marnie and Milly! Dogs are just such amazing creatures!

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One of the guys at work adopted a dog from Paws a couple of years ago, and another from Renbury. I've told him that he should send Denise an email with some pics to show how weel they are doing and let her know how much joy they have brought to him and his wife - I explained that rescuers really love updates, even if it's years down the track. He's going to do so... *grin*


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I think updates are the reward for doing the work. Seeing photos of dogs who were so down on their luck transformed into much-loved family members is such a thrill.

I have to say that maybe Peis have better memories than other dogs, because on the occasion fosters have come back to visit me they've been very off-hand. LOL

One of the guys at work adopted a dog from Paws a couple of years ago, and another from Renbury. I've told him that he should send Denise an email with some pics to show how weel they are doing and let her know how much joy they have brought to him and his wife - I explained that rescuers really love updates, even if it's years down the track. He's going to do so... *grin*


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Aphra peis are just as bad as all other dogs. You put your heart and soul into making them adoptable and off they trot with their new family without even a glance back at you to say thanks. I only knew mine remembered me because they let me hang around them and touch their favourite spots. The pei that went crazy seeing Ams was the first reunion of that nature that I have seen, especially since the pup that left her was not into PDAs at all!

It just reinforces to me that their new families are right for them if they have moved us to the back of their memory banks. Ungrateful sods!

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