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Female Kelpie X Border Collie Needing A Home

Guest muttrus

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Guest muttrus

My daughters friend from school needs to re-home her 8 month old female desexed kelpie x .I tried to help but didn"t know exactly where to look so I offered to advertise and I had the dog here for a day to get a better idea of her temperment .

A story of bad decision wrong dog etc the dog also has a nuisance dog order on her due to the neighbours complaining she barks long story so the owner has to move and can"t take the dog

The dog is lovely nature great with kids got along with my dogs scared of the big ones loved the little ones showed no interest in play nor would come to her name the owner is a single mother of a 7 year old so the dog has been with them since 8-12 weeks old .Owner claims she is well trained to sit stay off the lounge etc however I saw none of that.She was as you"d expect a kelpie to be and I could see she was wanting more

We had her in the back yard as I was worried she"d jump the fence she was ok didn"t want to interact with my dogs even though they tried after awhile we went inside she then started barking and crying trying to get out of the gate she repeatedly banged against it I called owner and we filmed it I do believe she is a good dog but needs more someone more experienced with the breed and the dog needs to be in the right enviroment .

I tried to find some contact numbers but found mostly email addresses owner said she had tried some but got no reply or they were full Im sorry I didn"t know who to contact and thought maybe someone could help or point me in the right direction?


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Sounds like the dog needs a job to do that will tire her out mentally and physically so that she doesn't get anxious when she is alone.

It's not going to be easy to rehome a dog with a nuisance order on it in NSW... those things are a bugger to get removed. But they don't necessarily follow a dog interstate...

I do hope you find a solution for this pup...


Edited by tdierikx
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Guest muttrus

exactly I tried looking up the order but it didn"t tell me much kept showing me other stuff.The thing that I guessed annoyed me was the owner had seen well over a hundred of our foster pups at the school and always said the type of dog that would suit her I warned about kelpies and their needs then because the boyfriend at the time wanted this dog she did .Our kids had a falling out and we didn"t really speak except to say hello but then because she knows what we do and needed help she asked I KNOW it may sound petty of course we will help anyone we can but I TOLD YOU SO was the first thing that came to mind :angeldevil:

Anyway its about the dog now so thats all I really care about now .At least she was honest about the order etc

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They could try putting her on a working dog site or speaking to some local farmers seeing if someone will test her out on sheep or cattle and if she works then a nuisance order won't matter on a farm. I don't think there's a lot of rescues that will take a dog with a nuisance order so the options are limited.

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First thing you might want to do then is to call the council that the dog was under when with this person and find out whether it has an actual order on it, or just a notice of intent to issue one.

May I ask if the dog "became" an outdoor dog once they realised it wasn't a little pup any more? Withdrawal of affection can have bad effects on some dogs - and what is another worry is that it wasn't interested in at least checking out your pack once you went inside, but was more intent on getting YOUR attention...


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Guest muttrus

I had never met the dog before yesterday owner says neighbours provoked the dog so she barked then she tied her up and she barked more ---don"t worry I shook my head too. Anyway yes there is an actual order I had her here yesterday to first meet us and the yard etc then today my dogs were fine with her and she seemed happy running around the yard so I went inside she didn"t start straight away only after some time I was worried she would hurt herself but I also already have 10 dogs here so she was only here for me to get to know abit about her so I could try to help from a non bias view

One thing I did notice was she seemed withdrawn from people she didn"t want to do much with any of us ---I did think it was because we were strangers but I watched her with her owner and she didn"t seem too interested in her either ?

BUT her owner also mentioned she was distancing herself from the dog so she wouldn"t feel bad when she left I must say I had very mixed feelings about the whole thing I know the breed only by what Ive read she didn"t seem a focused dog towards anything really she sat beside me while I did gardening but I think she is highly strung owner says she walks her but I have my doubts

My dog who I honestly thought would be a total B and who we thought would have a issue with her was a suprise she tried to play with her and was so friendly but this dog avoided her at all attempts.

I can tell you I saw the 7 year old hit the dog afew times in front of us and her mother we of course said exactly what we thought mothers comment was its ok I taught her (the dog) since she was a puppy to be hit all the head and face etc because I wanted to make sure she (the dog) was ok around ****** name with held

MY CONCERNS were now all about the dog I can"t have her here so I just wanted to do what I could to me she is a nice dog but not my type of dog and I can see where things that should have been done weren"t and things that were done shouldn"t (hope that makes sense) she has said the order has made it harder to rehome

I know all this must sound a big mess and the more Im told and see the more it is ---------It all started with hubby calling me while I was out and said so and so needs help rehoming her dog then she sent e-mails with different things so I said I had to meet the dog which she was ment to bring in the morning but didn"t till 230pm then I said because my yard is at first a sniff fest I think she should spend the day so she did now to me telling you all

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