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Strong Crates

Perry's Mum

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Hi perry's mum, I have a TNH crate from petstock which is 4 years old & is used daily for my male BC since he was a very lively puppy & still looks like brand new. I have another from Vebo & that one is also very good. Both very well made & well priced.

Edited by BC Crazy
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Yes she is and Perry is determined to thwart her. I am leaving her loose in the backyard tonight - she is microchipped and has a nametag on - I think she will be safe there. Perry is reluctantly willing to share the backyard with her but not the house or her mother. Fortunately she will be going to Echuca to Koolie Rescue on Wednesday.

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I don't think she will be a problem provided she is allowed to be with her new owner - when I take her out in the car or for a walk by the lake or whatever she is good as gold and very friendly with people. The problem is Perry who does not like other dogs being anywhere near me.

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I don't think she will be a problem provided she is allowed to be with her new owner - when I take her out in the car or for a walk by the lake or whatever she is good as gold and very friendly with people. The problem is Perry who does not like other dogs being anywhere near me.

Problem is that not many people can be with a dog 24/7, some retraining is needed for times when she may well need to be contained. She could easily injure herself trying to escape. I would want to know if a dog I was taking on had issues like this, so they can be worked on.

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awww she is beautiful, same colouring as my Latte's grandmother. Sounds like the most wonderful home for a coolie too, being someone's constant companion :)

No idea about the crate but if you can find a strong one can you let me know, one of my housemate's coolies has destroyed his totally yet are other coolies are fine. In fact we got two of the pups a cheap crate off ebay and they are sharing it with no problems, mind you they only sleep in it after they have played hard all day :laugh:

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My disabled camp dog Pickles destroyed a metal crate when she was only 5 months old... bent and stretched the 4mm metal bars with her teeth and clibmed out through the gap she made. And she had a broken leg at the time and was supposed to be on cage rest!

My Pittie cross girl can't do that!! Nor can my Lab!

I think the only thing that may contain Pickles would be weld mesh like what you use for fences... *grin*... but it would be a bugger to move around - that stuff is HEAVY!


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What is special about the C-crates?

Are they a different material to the 'usual' black coated wire jobs? Thicker wire?

Their site says

"Zinc silver coating for hygiene, powdercoating your colour choice available" but no more detail and the pics are pretty basic.

I need a large crate and the price diff is pretty steep between c-crates and the oft recommended "vebo" (assuming this is the one available from vebopet)




Our collapsible crates use 4mm diameter wiring for the outer frame, doors and all horizontal beams.


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