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What Could This Be?

Guest donatella

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Guest donatella

Thanks all, she came home yesterday and so far so good.

Have been on a bland diet and she seems back in good spirits.

That is interesting about the white rawhide, when I bought them I bought one white one and one that is a bone colour. I think we'll be sticking with big meaty bones as our only form of chew from now on, I just don't want to take the risk :)

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Would probiotics help? It seems to help our tibbie when he was recovering from a bout of gastro. Pig ears was the culprit especially when it has been buried for a few days. No pig ears for ours anymore (which they are pretty sad about!) or anything edible outside which can be buried. Hope your little one makes a speedy recovery. It's awful when they are miserable and unwell.

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I havent read the whole thread but my young boy has had very similar symptoms. The vet thought it may be a form of IBD or Giardia. We never did get a definate diagnosis but he was put straight onto Royal Canin Hypoallergenic and it fixed him right away. We tried to reintroduce his old diet after 8 weeks but his bloody stools and vomiting came back so he was quickly put back onto the RC Hypoallergenic and we havent had 1 bad poo since.

The food has been a blessing for my boy who was quite sick, and like your girl, would be fine one day, and the next day he would have bloody stools and stomach cramps so it was hard to get him to the vet at the right time.

ETA: Our boy gets Vets All Natural Omega Blend and PAW Probiotic in his dry food now which has helped a lot but he cant have bones or treats of any form because he reacts almost right away.

Edited by Fuzzydog
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Guest donatella

Back to her loony self playing with toys and coming for cuddles. Can't wait for her hair to grow back on her cannulated leg though, she looks a bit like a poodle from one side with that leg :laugh:

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My girl had exactly the same issues including 5 days in hospital.

After trying Hills Z/d which was OK but she still had pain and soft poos, I changed her to Royal Canin Hypoallergenic and 'problem sorted'.

My other half gave her 2 Grain Waves a few days ago and the next day she was vomiting bile and her stomach was rumbling loudly. I didn't feed her and then I took her off to the local vet for some Buscopan and Metrozine tabs.

The Buscopan seems to have settled her stomach this time because I got it so quick so I am hoping that the Metrozine won't be needed.

She is back on the Royal Canin Hypo. with strict instructions to everyone NOT to feed her ANYTHING else. Obviously she is a dog that can't tolerate certain kinds of protein.

I would never give her any chews of any kind as they would be the death of her!!

BTW: White rawhide chews are just the normal brown chews but they have been through a bleaching process....and most if not all of the rawhide chews come from China or overseas.

Edited by Stitch
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Just caught this thread Donatella & so glad Lucy is home & having loonies again. It is just so worrying when they are unwell. I steer well clear of pigs ears, I have just heard too many horror stories of choking or sick dogs. So many are imported too so their processing may be done who knows how ??

We stick with Vege ears. Alot safer :)

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