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What Could This Be?

Guest donatella

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Guest donatella

So i'm stumped here.

For the last few weeks my oldest one has been going through bouts of a day whereby she will vomit a few times have 1 x frank blood stained loose stool be a bit sooky and moopy for a few hours then be back to her normal self. I will book her a vet appointment but then by the time we get to go she's back to her normal happy self, stools back to normal, no vomiting and eating and drinking again.

Then nothing for a week, then repeat process.

It's happened again for the 3rd time, this is week 3. Now bare in mind that during these episodes she is completely normal she does this for a few hours and is fine again.

I am going to get a stool sample and take her back to the vet tomorrow if its repeated but I have no idea what it could be seeing as it comes and goes with a week in between? My initial thought was perhaps a blockage however her bowels in between these episodes are normal, formed and perfectly lovely!

Her diet hasn't changed. The thing that tipped me off after the first episode was perhaps it was her reaction to high fat (my mum fed her a bit of chicken fat :vomit:) and I thought she may have reacted to that.

Any ideas? (without completely freaking me out?) :D

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Has she been to the vet yet since it first happened? At first the symptoms sound like parvo which is a worry, but parvo doesn't come and go.

Maybe she is sensitive as you said to fatty things, pancreatitis?

I'm not sure but if you take in a sample they should be able to find out :)

Good luck with it, poor pumpkin :(

ETA: just saw SL's post. Let us know how you go at the vets don.

Edited by Aussie3
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Guest donatella

She's had to stay at the vets overnight for fluids and IVAB's as she has hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and a temp.

Oh I feel so sick :cry:

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She's had to stay at the vets overnight for fluids and IVAB's as she has hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and a temp.

Oh I feel so sick :cry:

That was going to be my suggestion - one of my dogs has had two bouts of HGE.

She's where she needs to be - IV fluids are crucial to recovery from this disease.

I have a few suggestions for next time she starts to vomit - but hopefully in your case there won't be a next time.

Have you thought about what the trigger might be? It will be a toxin or a bacteria most likely. Have these bouts been after something like a pigs ear??

Edited by Haredown Whippets
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Guest donatella

I'm doing some research and apparently its most common in small breeds around 2 - 4 years of age.

I'm wondering why she had bouts come and go over the last few weeks, it doesn't fit with the mold of the illness.

But hopefully she can come home in 24 hours pending she perks up after fluids and ab's.

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Guest donatella

she doesn't get pigs ears. I can't think of anything else they get that they haven't normally been given. They get rawhide chews but they are from the pet store, could be those as I gave them both some yesterday to chew again.

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she doesn't get pigs ears. I can't think of anything else they get that they haven't normally been given. They get rawhide chews but they are from the pet store, could be those as I gave them both some yesterday to chew again.

Very possible. If not well treated, they could carry a high bacteria load. Ask your vet but I'm dead wary of what i feed as treats these days. No pigs ears here.

Can you link the timing of the symptoms to those chews? If so, then you can eliminate one trigger.

Count your blessings. It sounds mild. My poor Darcy had 72 hours on a drip the first time he got it.

Edited by Haredown Whippets
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Guest donatella

The first episode I thought it was the big heap of chicken fat my mother fed her, I can't remember giving her chews that day, but its possible. I give it to them supervised then take it off them then give it back etc.

I think her diet is about to be very closely monitored following this. I hope she hasn't been suffering all this time though, from what i'm reading they can go down hill really fast with this.

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The first episode I thought it was the big heap of chicken fat my mother fed her, I can't remember giving her chews that day, but its possible. I give it to them supervised then take it off them then give it back etc.

I think her diet is about to be very closely monitored following this. I hope she hasn't been suffering all this time though, from what i'm reading they can go down hill really fast with this.

Yep. Primarily due to dehydration though so you needn't worry about that.

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Awww poor Lucy. My sisters 3yr old chihuahua had a bout of this recently and had a night at the vet, they didnt know the cause either. Hope she has a quick recovery and is fine to come home tomorrow.

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My dog was vomiting blood and had bloody stools for a good nine months. After lot's and lot's of tests she has now been diagnosed with severe irritable bowel. Her vomit never had food in it - just white bile scattered with blood spots.

edited to say the vomit and bloody stools were always sporatic. Somestimes days inbetween, sometimes weeks.

Blood test and ultrasound confirmed it.

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Guest donatella

Her temp is back to normal and her gums are more moist. They want to keep her until 5pm today on the drip and give her another hit of IVABs but she should; presuming she in interested in eating again; come home today.

I hope they don't keep her in just because she's not interested in eating, she may not be interested in eating from strangers.

But i'm happy to hear that she is doing well and can come home possibly :whee:

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Her temp is back to normal and her gums are more moist. They want to keep her until 5pm today on the drip and give her another hit of IVABs but she should; presuming she in interested in eating again; come home today.

I hope they don't keep her in just because she's not interested in eating, she may not be interested in eating from strangers.

But i'm happy to hear that she is doing well and can come home possibly :whee:

The best advice I can give is don't be in a rush to get her home. IV fluids are crucial to recovery from this condition. If she is still flat, I strongly recommend another overnight stay.

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Guest donatella

They said she was much better in spirits today and hadn't vomited or had diarrhea since she had been there but do want to keep her on the IV fluids all day which will mean she will have had a full 24 hours on them.

I am happy to wait to see what they think but they seemed to think she was okay to come home this afternoon *crosses fingers*

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