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Housing Cats And Dogs


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In my last house I had a great setup for the pets. cats and dogs had separate uncover areas. New house has one enclosed sunroom type thing and a enclosed carport. Having a little bit of angst with providing dry areas for both the dogs and cat.

I need the cat not to be able to get out of the sunroom but the dogs to be able to get in and out when they want. If it was the other way around it would be easier!!!

I can't have the cat in the house, bad allergies. And am having pc issues with just letting her out in the garden, which would be the easiest solution as then both cat and dogs could share the sunroom.

I could build a cat run off the sunroom but would also need to divide the sunroom up so that the dogs could get out in the garden but not the cat.

I could build another undercover area, but not sure if I want to enclose my courtyard yet.

I'm doing a heap of annoying juggling at the moment. Dogs are currently locked out of the sunroom until I carry the cat out to her run, which isn't waterproof at the moment but has a big kennel for shelter. Then at night time I have the same issue. Dogs are either locked in or out of the sunroom once the cat is in.

Not sure if that makes sense! Is there a simple solution I have missed?

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Do you have a window that can be converted to a door and attach a covered area off there.Or is there a laundry door that can lead out to an area for the cat and take the laundry out another door.A plan of the house layout might give us some ideas.And congratulations on the new house .

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The laundry opens on to the sunroom.

Here is the current cat run:


This is the sunroom, which would be really easy to set up for the cat except the dog's beds are in there too and they need to be able to get in and out.


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What about collars for the dogs that trigger a dog door?

This is your only option if you want them all in the sun room. I knew someone who had them on her dogs. Did the trick but they look quite cumbersome on the small dogs.

I think the cat would dart out with the dogs. Her fav hobby is trying to escape!

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I would put a caged sleeping area in the sunroom with access out a sunroom window to an enclosure for the cat so the dogs can come in and out a dog door to also sleep in thier own part of the the sunroom .

This. A caged indoor area in the sunroom with access to outside run would mean the cat had a comfortable indoor area plus outside access and the dogs could have easy inside access too without fear of them letting the cat out. Can you cage off one end or corner?

Edited by espinay2
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