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Bsl Protest


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I'm pretty disappointed Sydney got cancelled too.

I think it's not apathy here, it's more that NSW isn't as draconian with BSL enforcement, and where it is enforced it's not a death sentence, I've only met two people forced into the temperament assessment and both their dogs passed with flying colours, so no restrictions were imposed. Here, so long as your dog is good citizen (regardless of breed), it's pretty much OK for it to be any shape. My area is full of people walking Pit Bulls - they're very popular round here.

Sydney has a certain tendency to break laws they find to be obviously unjust. I remember when the X-city tunnel was opened, people refused to abide by the new lane changes forced on them. You'd see soccer mums in their BMW 4wds, tradies in their utes - everyone in the city - all refused to pay the excessive toll and made a certain illegal turn to avoid it. The police refused to prosecute people for taking that turn too - it had always been legal before, they were staging their own protest there I guess. In the end people's non compliance forced the govt. to change the lanes back to how they originally were, there was too much community resistance, the govt had to give up on it.

I'm actually really proud of Sydney people for that attitude - the law is respected where it's a good law, (and most laws are), but if people think a law is unfounded and unfair it'll be pointedly ignored.

I imagine if we were backed into a corner like Victorians, and felt like we were under siege and forced to fight for our dog's right to survive you'd see people out protesting in force.

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That's a shame - it still remains an important mission and topic requiring the attention and education of the public. If only they could know that the current law is NOT going to help reduce bite injuries.

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Sorry to say , I disagree . The content of the speeches did not flow and doubt they would convince someone with no knowledge on the matter . One speaker felt the need to publicly address some of the protesters on how to fight BSL , arguing that they are part of the problem with the public perception of bull breeds . Though the speakers were interesting I was also hoping to hear from some professional bodies on the coroners recommendations from the Ayen Chol inquest .It was still good to be there to support those going to the Supreme Court as well as those dealing with VCAT and council .

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