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New Puppy Eating Dirt


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They will do the tests if he has any more poos, the vet did a rectal exam (which did not amuse the pup one iota) and checked some feaces he got then. He has no soreness in the tummy, although the vet said there was dirt in the poos. At the moment they are trying to treat him as gently as possible, and not be too invasive. The vet actually expects him to have perked up in about 6 hours and pulled his drip out! :laugh: Apparently once hydrated they turn into monsters.

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Just spoke to the vet, he has perked up although still sleeping a lot. He has done a couple of poos that were very soft, but not runny. I mentioned the test for parvo and while it is on thier list, its not high up as possibilities go. So he will stay in overnight, they will call me again this afternoon and let me know how he is. Apparently he already has the nurses completely wound around his paw :laugh:

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Just spoke to the vet, he has perked up although still sleeping a lot. He has done a couple of poos that were very soft, but not runny. I mentioned the test for parvo and while it is on thier list, its not high up as possibilities go. So he will stay in overnight, they will call me again this afternoon and let me know how he is. Apparently he already has the nurses completely wound around his paw :laugh:

Of course he has (the bolded bit). He's a Rottie pup, they're born knowing how to wind humans around their cute chunky little paws.

I hope he recovers quickly and he's back home soon.

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Spoke to the vets last night around 6, he is perked right up, took his own drip oout and running amuk at the moment. They have kept him in overnight to make sure he doesnt crash again, they think that the antibiotics have kicked in and that is what is making all the difference. So I will ring them around 10am (thier request) and we will go from there.

Funny little monkey he is, I have people (good friends who have met him) ringing me from another townt o check on him. They keep calling him 'our' boy, and in ours and thiers, so I offered to let them pay half the vet bill!!!!! :laugh:

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Just spoke to the vets, they asked me to come and get the dog!!!! lol, apparently he is back to his normal self, and have pulled his line out twice, as well as tried to eat the nurses. He has them all well and truley in love with him!!!! So going home this afternoon on antibiotics, and we shall see how we go from there.

Thanks everyone for the replies, they are much appreciated.

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Its fill, we have hte backyard gutted at the moment so we can have it landscaped, and he is eating the subsoil layer. Its usually hard as a rock, but there are a couple of places where it is quite sandy.

Have been trying the banana, he's not impressed but will learn to eat it.

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I chased up the contractor who was going to give us a quote this morning, I want the yard done soon so the grass can get established before it gets too hot here, as well as reduce the amount of dirt being bought into the house. Might have to get onto another one as well and see what they can do, this has taken a month so far and I still dont have a quote.

I have been putting a kong with peanut butter in it with him while we are at work, as well as chew sticks and other toys, so hopefully he will keep himself occupied. He gets lonely though, and I dont want him out with the other dogs at the moment until we seeing how the dirt eating goes. At the moment he is confined to the back verandah, the smaller dogs can come and go but he hasnt worked out the dog door, athough it would not surprise me to find him out when OH gets home around 1 this afternoon, he's a little smartie!!!

All I need to do now is freeze some blocks for him to keep him occupied and he should be ok. Once he has his second needle we sill start some serious training, I think we will need all the handle we can get on this one!!

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