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Editing Advice / Critique


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I took some pics at the weekend for a friend and am just getting round to editing them. As usual I'm not sure of my results :laugh: They are 'just' for a friend, but I would like to do the best I can with them, so would appreciate any advice/critique you can give before I do too many of them :)

I have just calibrated my editing monitor, but when I look at them on other screens, the greens in particular look less vibrant, so let me how they look to you.







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I love the last 3, I don't like the first one cause of the shut eyes and the 2nd one I'm not sure about, I think I would like to see more foreground in the pic if available. That's my critique if I had taken them, if I was your lucky friends I would treasure each and every one of them and be so pleased you took them. BTW the colour seemed good.

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Thanks for the advice :) I have a few with her eyes open in the first one, was interested to see what was thought of that 'pose'. I thought it looked like a happy smile, but I know some people like to see eyes in each one.

I'll have a go at the highlights behind him in #2, I hadn't noticed that before but I see what you mean now it's been pointed out. I'll also have another play with the crop and see how it looks with more foreground.

Cheers :D

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Lovely expressions :) :) .but my monitor shows them as all over exposed , darn it :(

I see them all as slightly over exposed too, on both my laptop and my phone.

And #1 with the eyes shut really annoys me, I'd not use it if it was of my dogs, I'd want eyes open.

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Not blown out on mine :) Light is a bit harsh in 3 and 5, but sometimes that can't be avoided.

The first one is slightly greenish to me, in the gap between the edge of his mouth and the bottom of his ear - but that's just nitpicking and not something I would worry too much about.

I like the closed eyes one, I have heaps of Sid with closed eyes.

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Ok, thank you very much everyone for the comments and advice :) I will go back to editing them now along with the 300 odd I took today of RubyStar's labs and her mum's mini schnauzer!

I know what you mean about the green bit huga, and annoyingly once I uploaded them I also noticed she must have had a new collar on, as the pink dye has come off on her throat area where she had drooled - grrr :laugh:

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