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Drooling After Anaesthetic? - Update, Rip My Little Man


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Thanks for all the advice and well wishes. Unfortunately my wee man didn't make it :( He passed away here at home after some lovely last cuddles - which was pretty special as he was not the cuddling type. It is hard not to second guess myself as he went through a lot over the last week, but I tried my best to do the right thing by him and I am so grateful he was here at home, comfortable and safe. Miss him heaps though as does Finn :(

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So sorry, kiwioz .... he chose his time, and saved you the decision...

R I P little man ...


Something I am selfishly very grateful for.

Also I know most dogs do, but he HATED the vet, the last few times I had to carry him in the door because he point blank refused to go. And he was possibly going to spend the day there tomorrow if he hadn't improved...the thought of him passing by himself in a cage... :cry: So if it had to happen I'm glad it happened the way it did.

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