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Business Must Have Been Bad


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I saw the pet shop at Chirnside park has closed. It's been there for as long as I've been shopping there, must be close to 15 years. I dont know if it's the bad publicity that puppy farms have been getting lately but they always had a window full of puppies, so I'm pleased it's gone. :thumbsup:

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I saw the pet shop at Chirnside park has closed. It's been there for as long as I've been shopping there, must be close to 15 years. I dont know if it's the bad publicity that puppy farms have been getting lately but they always had a window full of puppies, so I'm pleased it's gone. :thumbsup:

Perhaps with all the goings on with puppy farms etc the word is slowly getting through to people and they are not buying from these places any more? We have recently had a pet shop close down in town too, they had started to go bad so trying to boost business thought they would add puppies to their list of items for sale. :mad They are now closed. Although I think it might have been more than one as it was part of the PGD franchise.

I don't think Kirislins OP or BC's crazy celebratory emots were directed at the shops misfortune at having to close down, more at the fact that its one less place for puppies to be sold from.

Edited by tlc
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I saw the pet shop at Chirnside park has closed. It's been there for as long as I've been shopping there, must be close to 15 years. I dont know if it's the bad publicity that puppy farms have been getting lately but they always had a window full of puppies, so I'm pleased it's gone. :thumbsup:

Perhaps with all the goings on with puppy farms etc the word is slowly getting through to people and they are not buying from these places any more? We have recently had a pet shop close down in town too, they had started to go bad so trying to boost business thought they would add puppies to their list of items for sale. :mad They are now closed. Although I think it might have been more than one as it was part of the PGD franchise.

I don't think Kirislins OP or BC's crazy celebratory emots were directed at the shops misfortune at having to close down, more at the fact that its one less place for puppies to be sold from.

spot on tlc. But I've seen on another thread that PP shops seem to be shutting down all over the place, I think that's what this one was.

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I have to agree with Danois. This year has been very tough for alot of small businesses and it makes me worry more than anything else when i see businesses closing their doors.

Australia is heading into recession (or is already in one except for the time lag of information) and that is why most government jobs are offering redundancy packages to the government workforce.

Commercial real estate is generally a good sign of the general state of the economy.

OP: I think what you are actually cheering on is the financial bite. Not much to do with puppy farm airtime or Oscar law leaflets but prudent business decision making :)

Edited by lilli
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Even if they sold puppies, celebrating the fact someone has had to close down a business (which would assume financial issues) seems a little distasteful *shrug* - it's like laughing at someone's misfortune.

I have to agree with Danois.

This year has been very tough for alot of small businesses and it makes me worry more than anything else when I see businesses closing their doors.

I don't agree with it being a negative perception at all.

If you support puppies being sold in pet shops then you support the businesses that do it, and vice-a-versa.

Businesses don't get immunity from corporate responsibility.

On the contrary it is more acute because they are a business.

Its like saying live animal exports have nothing to do with animal cruelty at the slaughter yards the animals go to.

How's that again???? :mad

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Just to make it KNOWN ! I would never make fun or celebrate at the expense of anyones's misfortune.

I however, feel very strongly that puppy mills should be outlawed. I also believe that a pet shop isn't a suitable place to buy a puppy from. So if that means that some have to close, so be it.

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Just to make it KNOWN ! I would never make fun or celebrate at the expense of anyones's misfortune.

I however, feel very strongly that puppy mills should be outlawed.

I also believe that a pet shop isn't a suitable place to buy a puppy from.

So if that means that some have to close, so be it.

Hear! hear!

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Just to make it KNOWN ! I would never make fun or celebrate at the expense of anyones's misfortune.

I however, feel very strongly that puppy mills should be outlawed. I also believe that a pet shop isn't a suitable place to buy a puppy from. So if that means that some have to close, so be it.

Yep and I agree. I don't think I've ever seen Kirislin or BC Crazy make a nasty comment so I don't think they are cracking the Moet to celebrate a business failing.

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Just to make it KNOWN ! I would never make fun or celebrate at the expense of anyones's misfortune.

I however, feel very strongly that puppy mills should be outlawed. I also believe that a pet shop isn't a suitable place to buy a puppy from. So if that means that some have to close, so be it.

Agree with you on every point :)

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Unfortunately I don't think PP stores closing down represents people's opinions on puppy mills. Knew someone who used to manage a few of their stores and even 5 years ago they were struggling to do $500 in sales on a week day, nowhere near what they needed to be making to break even. I'd say its more a combination between ridiculous mark ups on products and online stores offering much cheaper prices that has done it.

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Just a small bit of info re the pet industry and pet product buying habits of the australian consumers:

Pet Products includes foods, vet products, parasite protections, Accessories, Apparel, ect ect. everything EXCEPT LIVE ANIMALS. It includes Canine, Equine, Feline and Small Animals supplies. (NOT FARM ANIMALS SUPPLIES)

Online stores account for just 11% of the total Pet product sector incomes and has declined by 7% over the past 4 years.

Some statistics for product purchases of PET PRODUCTS (not including LIVE animals) is (as at July 2012):

Preferred Purchase venue:

Vet = 22%

Pet Warehouse/large pet stores 19%

Supermarkets 30%

Small pet Stores (independents) 9%

Online 11%

Pharmacy 3%

Other (stock feed merchants, Manufacturers, Specialised ect.) 6%

Over the past 8 years

The Pet industry $spend has Shown a minimal increase (0.9%) Growth which is mostly attributed to price increases and has not shown any decreases.

It shows that 30% of consumers shop in Multiple locations. ie show no loyalty.

Business is tough for All of the pet sector but most importantly, We (you and I) contribute our $'s to an industry which sits at #4 in Australia's highest $ category's in Business sectors. The Pet Sector is one of only 3 Sectors that have Not shown a decline in income in Australia in the past 8 years and sits proudly as #1 for stability. If you would like more data re the animal industry please ask.

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Actually, I'm more interested in the source for those stats. Is it the ABS? Probably not because the ABS hasn't started collecting online retails stats yet. Is it Roy Morgan Single Source? Is it the PIAA? What was the sample size of stores and consumers?

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In the UK today Mars/Pedigree have closed their 3 large petshops which also did grooming, hydrotherapy and kennels (3rd one has been bought by management)

Today I also see my neighbours pet shop is having a 50% off closing down sale.

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The shop in Chirnside Park was quite a bad one. Always LOTS of puppies and kittens, unhealthy looking birds and small animals, etc. They closed down due to decling sales (which was hopefully a reflection on the store itself, and not due to a looming recession).

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